The weather has finally started to get nice in
Pasco. We had excellent weather all week. Thursday and Friday were the first two days we were able to really get out an enjoy it. Conner and I have been working on potty training and lets just say.... we started on Monday and we are still working on it. I was about to give up on day three but I decided to stick with it for the long haul! So if no one
see's us for a month, I apologize! He is doing quite well and we have had dry nights and
nap times we just don't quite understand that we need to stop playing and come and tell mommy! I have faith in the little man that it will click here soon!

Jay said to Conner when he got home, "Hey buddy! Maybe next summer mom will make sure your tank fits!" I swear its a 4t the kid is growing like a week lately!!

How can you resist this little charmer! Jack is
definitely going to be chased by the girls! He is growing up very fast too! We are on the verge of walking!

These last three photos are of Jack when he
see's Jay pull in. He gets so excited when Jay gets home. He starts pointing and talking up a storm till Jay picks him up! Conner gets very excited too, he usually runs outside and
tries to
convince Jay to go get the four wheeler and gator!

Life is good at the
Brantingham home. Jay is working
alot of shut
downs right now so the boys and I are staying busy with outside projects and preparation for Auntie
Shaila's baby shower. This past week we didn't go anywhere since Conner was potty training and I have to say, it made me
realize that I need to give up
alot of the
craziness in my life and just stay home!