Monday, July 16, 2012

WE HAVE MOVED on Blogger

After four years at babybrantingham we have moved on!  You can find the Brantingham's and all our business at!  Come and check us out!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Muffin Eater

Last week I had made cinnamon muffins for the boys for breakfast (don't mind the pumpkin wrappers, I was trying to use the last of them up!)  I went and got in the shower while the boys were supposedly still sleeping.  Once I got out of the shower I realized they were up.  When I went into the kitchen this is what I found.  Apparently Jack was so hungry he even ate the wrapper!!!

Our Memay

I am very blessed to have such a wonderful Mother and my children are just as blessed to have a wonderful Memay.  This picture was taken at My parents house a couple of weeks ago.  Just last week Memay came to stay with us for a couple of days and it was great.  Thank you for all you do for us Memay.  We LOVE you so much!!!

Stella is 3 Months

So technically she is four months old now, but here are our three month shots.  Later this afternoon she has her four month checkup and I promise to post this week about how big she is. 

 Her first dolly!
Our first denim!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Palm Spring 2012

These photos are in no particular order.  We went to Palm Springs in April this year.  We had a BLAST!!! Jay and I were not ready to come home at all.  It was hard to leave and thats very unusual for us!  Thank you to Memay and Papa for all the good times, we love you more than you know!!!
 Stellas first time in the pool!!

 All Jack wanted to do was go "up"!
 Conner loved this little boat.  It had holes in the bottom for his feet so he moved all over the pool by himself. 
 Conner was so excited to have a "Spiderman" hat!
 Memay and Jack at Starbucks!

 Conner's first interaction with a girl his age.  Yes, there was a little flirting going on!
 He was out like a light!
 Jack doing the dishes with Memay!

 Jack got new Crocs with Lego's on them.
 Conner and his first ever pair of flip flops!  He was in love with them because they were spiderman.  Thank you Memay!
 Feeding/Snack time!

 Making lemon juice with Memay.  One of our favorite things to do is to go all around the golf course and pick fresh fruit!

 These were taken at the airport in Pasco before we left!

 Conner talking with Sissy!

 Jack loves to hold Sissy!
 Conner with Memay and Papa while the other two were sleeping!

 I couldn't get this one to flip, this was Jack's big owie for the trip!

This is the view out of Memay and Papa's condo.  This year is the first year they have owned the unit.  It was a blast!!!  We had a wonderful vacation!! Thanks again!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Jay's mom has done it once again, three BEAUTIFUL quilts.  Pauline made a quilt for Conner, Jack, Mac, and Otto that are all the same.  They were a car theme and very fitting for all the boys.  Stella's quilt has adorable bunnies and a very soft pink back to it.  I am very lucky to have a mother-in-law that makes such AMAZING quilts!!! Thank you Pauline/Grandma, we love you lots!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Alderman Cousins

 Here are the two latest and greatest Alderman cousins! Aren't they getting big! Otto is 5 months and Stella is 3! 
 And here are all the little munchkins!  This is the best I can do for getting all five at the same time. 
 Otto, 5 months - Stella, 3 months - Mac, 2 years today (Happy Birthday Mac!!!) - Conner, 3 1/2 years - Jack, 2 years!
 And the three musketeers!!!
We have been very lucky to have Otto and Mac come play alot lately.  Five kiddo's is a handle full but tons of fun!!!