Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fun times at the Brantinghams!!

Conner's cousin Iva came to visit the week before last after school on Wednesday and Thursday!!! Conner enjoyed Iva reading to him!

Conner gets to hang out on Jay and I's bed whenever Jay and I are getting ready to go somewhere. Last weekend we went to my Uncle's 70th Birthday and while Jay and I were getting ready he hung out and watched us.

Conner also enjoys being naked!!

This was Conner first "semi-sold" meal. He got banana's!!!

These are fun random times at our house in the evening!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Auntie Shaila's Visit! YEAH!!!!

Auntie Shaila and Conner were very tired!!!

We were all very happy to see Auntie Shaila and Chris!!! This was the first time Conner met Chris (Chris is Shaila's boyfriend). Conner takes a strong liking to Shaila every time he sees her!! We miss her lots and wished she lived in the Tri-cites(although I know she wishes we lived on the West Side). Jay and Conner were sick last week and now I am sick. We are all starting to feel better and look forward to Thanksgiving. Jay and I have alot to be thankful for this year!

A Day at Grandma's

Conner has a picture from Nancy above his changing table that he absolutely adores!!! Thank you Nancy!
Grandma has alot of cool toys that Conner enjoys. Conner spent sometime at Grandma's before and after we went to Las Vegas. I was able to get alot done, thank you Grandma!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Las Vegas Vacation!!

Its amazing at how many faces Conner makes that are EXACTLY like Jay!!!

Conner had a grand old time yelling in the Seattle airport, he enjoyed hearing the echo!!!

Conner makes the "o" face when he talks!

Zoned out after the first flight!!!

A day of flying "pooped" him out!! Conner slept alot on Memay whenever we were at dinner!

Jay and I at dinner the first night!

A long day in the hotel room with Memay. When we got Conner to the SEMA convention, he was in a front pack and the big men at the door said "No babies"!! Conner just laughed and went to play with Memay while Mommy and Daddy went with Papa to the show.

Jay dreaming about 42" wheel someday!! They don't really fit on any of our equipment......yet!

Half way through the day and again, Conner is sleeping!!

My two handsome men...... I mean boys!

We love his big blue eyes!!!

We had a wonderful time in Vegas. Conner slept through all four flights and was in a good mood the entire trip. Jay went to the Richard Petty driving school and now hopes to seek a career as a race car driver in the near future. He went over 145 mph. He had a blast. Conner and I went shopping with Memay that day!! All is well back at the Brantingham Farm.