Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jay & Amy's Daily Entertainment

This is Jay and I's favorite daily entertainment. Conner loves talking to his binking. These are the similar sounds we wake up to. He is at such a fun age!!! (Sorry it's sideways, haven't figured that out yet)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We are Moving

Jay and I found a new house on Saturday in Richland. We are very excited to move away from the business. The owner accepted our offer on Monday so we got the ball rolling last night. We hope to move mid March.
This would be the little mister trying to escape his swing. When I don't latch the tray he trys to escape!!

The Week With Memay!!!

If you look carefully you will see Conners Cherrio Earing!!!
Conner got lots of Cherrio's and Rice Crispies with Memay each morning!

Conner has officially worn out his first piece of clothing! My mom (Memay) stayed with us all last week. I am training a new employee so she stayed with us to watch Conner here in our home. We had a wonderful time with her here. She is a tremendous help and Conner adores her. One night when we were eating dinner and Conner was on the ground playing we realized the hole in his sock. It was very funny!! Thank you Memay for all your help and WE LOVE YOU!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's at the Brantingham's

I made the best effort I could this week to make 40 handmade cards for Valentine's Day. Of course, I have the cutest little man to make cards with! Conner sat in his bouncy chair or the highchair and watched me.
We see this smile alot these days!! Conner has two bottom teeth and more are on the way. Fingers/anything handy is his favorite to chew!!

We upgrade to a bigger kid car seat today! We went with a Recaro seat, just like Papa has in the camaro!!! Last weekend we went to Ellensburg and Conner got to bond with Papa!!

Our first ride in the seat!! He didn't seem to mind it at all. I think he likes it because he is upright instead of lounging!

This is the cow that Conner got for Valentine's day from Memay. It moo's when you squeeze its tummy. He wasn't quite sure of it!

Our bouncer is where Conner spends most of his time these days. He bounces so hard its fun to watch him. He like to talk alot when he's in it.

As for our household, we just celebrated Jay's 28th Birthday last week!! The business is very busy infact that the shop has to work Saturday and Sunday just to stay ahead this week. We look forward to downtime the following weekend. This upcoming week is busy for me...We hired a bookeeper, YEAH!!! I am very excited to be able to just focus on our family for awhile. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband that has provided for Conner and I so that I can stay home with Conner. Jay is such a hardworker and is so dedicated to his family and his business!!! I love you Jay!! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!