Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This Week

Our son loves the phone. Hence, everything is a phone to him. He talked up a storm in the bath this morning.
Last night, my Christmas present arrived. Jay got me a rocker for the next baby. It came in this huge box so Conner has a new fort. He loves it! Jay and I enjoyed watching him play peek-a-boo with us last night.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Weekend

This past weekend we went to Ellensburg on Friday night and had a wonderful dinner with my parents. Jay and I went to see Sherlock Homes later that evening while Conner entertained my parents! On Saturday, Jay and I headed to Suncadia for a night away, it was lovely. Thank you dear for a wonderful time, it was extremely fun/special to have alone time with you and no distractions! Jay has been working 14 hour days for the past three weeks at least, so this break was much needed for all of us, especially Jay!
Conner's favorite things to do at Memay and Papa's is to play with our old Little People Farm and City. He is very into climbing up and down the stairs repeatedly! He is quite proud of himself!

Conner gets away with alot at Memay's! Like no pants, climbing on things, and getting drinks of Memay's diet coke!
His first heavenly loaf, and boy did he enjoy all of it!

Jay and I had a wonderful view from our room. We spent Saturday at the Spa and then had a really nice dinner. It was a short trip but we had a great time.

Back to the daily grind this week. Jay is very busy with the construction of his new shop and their current work load. 2010 is starting off wonderfully for the business. I am very proud of Jay and all his accomplishments leading up to this year!!! He has worked really hard and it has been paying off. Jay (but mainly I) am really excited to have Jack here!!! He is quite the mover just like Conner so I know our house will be crazy here very soon! I can't believe we are 8 weeks away! Yeah!!

It's Another Boy!!!

Congrats to Auntie Erin and Uncle Cal. They are having a boy!!! Come this summer there sure will be alot of boys for Memay & Papa!!!