Sunday, November 6, 2011

Meeting Baby Grant

 We finally got to meet Baby Grant this weekend.  Auntie Shaila and Grant came over on Saturday and both boys were so excited to meet him.  He is quite the little cutie!!!
 Conner was giving Auntie Shaila a tour of our new home when I realized Jack was no longer with us.  When I came out in the living room, Jack was starring at Baby Grant in his car seat.   Jack is fascinated with babies.  I am pretty sure he probably woke him up but we will never know. 
 Jack thought he was pretty great.  Jack had lots to tell him and Auntie Shaila and he gave Grant lots of claps!!
 Conner was pretty excited to but he didn't want to get to close. 
 All the boys took a bath together and had a great time.  They didn't exactly take a great group photo but we did get a good one of Jack and Grant. 
It was a wonderful visit and we were all so happy to finally meet Grant.  He is adorable and a great little baby.  It was also great to get to spend time with Auntie Shaila.  We wish we had more time and lived closer!  We love you both lots!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 The boys got an early Halloween package from Auntie Karen and Grandmas.  Conner ate only what you see, Jack..... ate it ALL!
 Conner and I made the gingerbread house while Jack was napping.  It only lasted about 30 minutes before the HEAVY roof went sliding to the floor.  He was devastated!
 Sunday night Jay and Conner carved our pumpkins.  They turned out great! Conner said, "I love garving pumpkins!" (Yes, with a G, its not a spelling error)
 Jay did a great job!
 Conner was so proud of his pumpkins!

 For his harvest party at school, Conner dressed up like a dinosaur!  His costume was definitely a hit!
 For Halloween night, the boys were "Thing 1" and "Thing 2".  I will have to say, they were pretty stinkin cute!!!
 Conner was totally into the trick-or-treating, Jack on the other hand just stood back and watched.  He loved running between the houses though.  Our new neighborhood is great for Halloween.  I bet we had at least 20 groups come to our house!  We ran out of candy!

 Conner had a blast at his Harvest party at school.  The dinosaur costume was a little tricky for the games but he did great!

 He was the only kid that I saw get the rings on the pegs!
 And besides swinging the mallet like a baseball bat, he did well at croquet too!

 Fishing of course was his favorite. 
 As you all know Conner is our clean freak so I was surprised when he said he wanted to get his face painted.  He sat through the entire thing, I was so proud. 
And then she let him get up and that was the end of it.  As you can tell we had to go to the bathroom ASAP to clean it off!  At least he tried!  Halloween was great this year at our house.  It was great to see the boys actually get into it.  Happy Halloween!!!