Monday, June 11, 2012

Muffin Eater

Last week I had made cinnamon muffins for the boys for breakfast (don't mind the pumpkin wrappers, I was trying to use the last of them up!)  I went and got in the shower while the boys were supposedly still sleeping.  Once I got out of the shower I realized they were up.  When I went into the kitchen this is what I found.  Apparently Jack was so hungry he even ate the wrapper!!!

Our Memay

I am very blessed to have such a wonderful Mother and my children are just as blessed to have a wonderful Memay.  This picture was taken at My parents house a couple of weeks ago.  Just last week Memay came to stay with us for a couple of days and it was great.  Thank you for all you do for us Memay.  We LOVE you so much!!!

Stella is 3 Months

So technically she is four months old now, but here are our three month shots.  Later this afternoon she has her four month checkup and I promise to post this week about how big she is. 

 Her first dolly!
Our first denim!