Don't my two men look handsome!! Jay's friend Desiree got married at a vineyard last weekend. Conner was on his best behavior. We were very proud of him. One lady at the wedding came up to Jay and then myself later and she said she was very impressed with how proud Jay was of his son. She said she had never seen such a proud daddy!!
This is George. Conner enjoys napping and sleeping with George. Jay and I love spying/watching Conner talk to George in the mornings when he gets up and at night when he isn't ready to fall asleep yet. When I ask Conner if he's talked to George yet today, he just smiles big!!
Conner is holding his head up for long stretches. He is getting so strong, Jay and I are amazed every day!!
Nothing is better than chillin at Auntie Erin's house!!! Conner is fascinated with the ceiling fan's at Auntie Erin and Uncle Cal's. He spends so much time just staring at the fans!!
These are the first shoe's Conner has worn. And it seems like as soon as I put them on..... he grew out of them!!
As for our family update.... the business is doing awesome. Jay just landed a four-story Gesa Credit Union building with Apollo. It will be our biggest project to date. Jay has also landed many smaller but still big jobs that will keep us slammed through the New Year! So much for a slow season. Grandpa has been working hard on putting in a sprinkler system and grass for our backyard while Jay and I planted trees and worked on beds to plant bushes in next spring. The yard is really coming along nicely! We have also broken ground on our new shop. The land has been leveled and gravel is being brought in tomorrow. Jay, Conner, and I got to go to Ellensburg for Labor Day. We took Conner to his first Rodeo... he slept through the entire thing, we had a blast though. I really enjoyed showing off my amazing husband and perfect son!! Nothing is sweeter in life then being a wife and mother!! Conner is already 7 weeks old and has his two month check up on the 29th (SCARY!!!). Everyone is right when they say they grow up fast!!
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