There weren't many rides for Conner to enjoy, Jay can't wait till he's 4ft so he can go on everything with Daddy!
Jay thinks this photo is great cause you can see his peaches and teeth! We sure do love our "Daddy Man"!!!
We had a great time in Coeur d' Alene. Conner was a doll at dinner's and besides that he didn't sleep very much the last night, we enjoyed our weekend away. Conner had his 1 year checkup on Thursday and was in the 80th or higher percentile in every category! He was very healthy so it was a pretty boring visit. Jay got away from work to go and he got quite the experience, Conner got 4 shots that day! I am sure he will never forget that visit (I have gotten used to the "shot" visits). All is well at the Brantingham's. Our final due date for #2 is March 11. We can't wait!!
Yeah for a weekend of fun with your family. You deserve it! I am glad that Jay was able to get away for the weekend. It looks like you guys had a great time with the heat and all. Congrats on the due date, March is a great month. YEAH!
Congrats on the due date, i can't wait to meet this new little person. Your due date is jason and my anniversary, very good day! Hope all is well Love Kayla
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