Last Friday Jay took the afternoon off so we decided to put the "big boy bed" in Conner's room and move the crib to Jack's room. Conner has adjusted extremely well. As you can tell he was thrilled! He has done great getting in and out and we haven't had a problem yet.

Conner is such a hoot these days. I started a new workout routine that includes a 30minute
dvd. Conner likes to do the squats and
sit ups. Its hilarious to watch him. Jay and him have been going swimming one a week and it seems to be the highlight of his week. He is repeating everything everyone says and doing
extremely well. He can't get up on Jay and
I's bed yet but this morning when he came into our room he had his box of
legos and he attempted to use it as a stool to get up on the bed. We have a very
intelligent little Mister!

He isn't a big fan of the swim diaper and he throws a fit whenever Jay puts it on him.

Since Jay works long and hard hours, Conner is always so excited to see him and get to do things with him. They go swimming just the two of them, its very cute! Conner is very into talking about Daddy's truck, the color black(daddy's truck is black), work(where daddy goes each day), and Doug(Jay's right hand man). Its very cute to listen to him talk about it all.

When Jay talks Conner swimming I take the opportunity to give Jack a calm and quiet bath. He was very talkative last night. I wish I could post the video but its a little long.

Our boys are growing up so fast! Jack is 6 weeks today and Conner is coming up on 21 months! Scary! Life is the
Brantingham house is crazy busy as usual but very good!
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