Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Nursery is Complete! Yeah!

Conner has an amazing father! Jay made the sign that is a Genie lift(a piece of equipment Jay has on jobsites/he owns)! It was definetly a WONDERFUL suprise for me and Conner!

This ia a picture that Grandma Pauline( Jay's mom) made for little Conners room. We can't wait to see if Conner looks the same as his dad! Grandma also made Conner two gorgeous quilts!!!

The rocking chair I am using is the same rocking chair that Memay (my mom) rocked me in!

The nursery is finally complete! Yeah!! We are now just waiting for the little man to arrive. I have already started having contractions and Jay and I feel its going to be soon! Now that the nursery is ready, I am ready! Jay is keeping very busy with work! Our last baby class is this evening and we are having pre-baby photos taken this afternoon so we feel he can come as soon as this evening ....say 9pm or so!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


I was checking on you and your progess. Your nursery turned out soo cute. I hope you are still doing well. We are almost to the end, Yeah! I hope that all goes well. I will be checking on you. I had an appointment yesturday and I am 2 cm and 60% effaced.

Take Care,
Jessica Stewart