Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Weekday at Work!

This is what a typical day at work looks like for Conner and Mom. Let me tell ya, my calf muscles are going to be amazing since he likes the seat to bounce the majority of the time. He is very content just bouncing and watching mommy work. When I have to page Jay or Jay pages me Conner's face lights up! It's pretty cute! We enjoy having the business so close to home, it allows Jay to see Conner throughout the day, although things have gotten crazy busy with the business the past two weeks and Conner and Jay don't get to see each other as much as they like. Conner sits and talks to mommy most of the day and when he is not talking he likes looking at a black button on the side of his chair. It is quite facinating to him. Life couldn't get any better!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday Mornings

Saturday morning at our home are the best. Jay gets up and changes Conner's diaper and puts on his outfit for the day. Then he brings him into our room and we all lay in bed together for 30 minutes to an hour! Conner is very found of Jays memory foam pillow(above)!

And as you can see, outfits don't last long when the little man is hungry or has a blow out!! Early Saturday/Sunday evenings involve Conner and daddy spending quality time napping on the couch. There is nothing more enjoyable then watching my two guys sleep. Conner is a month old today and this week he has realized he has arms and a nose. According to our scale (which isn't exactly right) he weighs 11 pounds. Another wonderful week/weekend at the Brantingham household!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This is Conners outfit that Kyle and Jen got him!! The first time he actually wore a full outfit (not just a onesy!)

Of course I had to play with his hair once we washed it. Conner LOVES it when I wash his hair. His hair is getting thicker and a little bit lighter every day.

This is a usually weeknight at our house. Jay comes in from work, grabs Conner, and they bond on the couch!! Conner's eyes get huge when he hears Jays voice and his head turns instantly towards him. He definetly misses his daddy during the day!

Currently, this is my favorite picture!! Once again, this is his evening nap with daddy!

He is almost a month old! Scary! Conner will be going on his first trip to Memay and Papa's next week for the good old Ellensburg Rodeo! Conner also got to meet his great Grandpa and Grandma Huff last weekend and the weekend before he met his Auntie Shalia. Lots of excitement in our household!! As always, Jay and I are enjoying every minute with our new addition. And once again, Jay is an amazing dad to our little man!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Week 2

What an exciting week! Conner is growing and changing by the day. We had his first doctors appointment with the pediatrician on Tuesday. They say they should be back up to their birth weight at two weeks old....Well, Conner was 9lbs 11ounces at his appointment. He is way ahead of the game!! The doctor says he is in excellent health! He is sleeping the majority of the night, only getting up once around 2-4ish. He is truely amazing and Jay and I are loving every minute of it!! Jay and Conner spend a lot of time together before bedtime(pics above). I gave him his first bath this week and it was a little bit of a shocker for him(pics above). He is a little trooper when I have to go run errands for the business. He doesn't like getting into the car seat but he sure loves riding in it!! There is no greater joy in life then being a mom!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Conner Paul Brantingham arrived July 27th 2008 at 6:52am. He weighted 8lbs 9oz and has a head of dark brown hair. His feet were so big that when they stamped them, they hung off the paper!! He was very healthy and we had no complications during or after the labor. Jay and I arrived at the hospital at 5:00am and just 1 hour and 52 short minutes, he was here. Jay got the opportunity to deliever Conner, it was quite the experience. Jay and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect son! Jay has been the most AMAZING dad to Conner! I look forward to the many years with both of them!!