Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Weekday at Work!

This is what a typical day at work looks like for Conner and Mom. Let me tell ya, my calf muscles are going to be amazing since he likes the seat to bounce the majority of the time. He is very content just bouncing and watching mommy work. When I have to page Jay or Jay pages me Conner's face lights up! It's pretty cute! We enjoy having the business so close to home, it allows Jay to see Conner throughout the day, although things have gotten crazy busy with the business the past two weeks and Conner and Jay don't get to see each other as much as they like. Conner sits and talks to mommy most of the day and when he is not talking he likes looking at a black button on the side of his chair. It is quite facinating to him. Life couldn't get any better!

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