Monday, October 20, 2008

Auntie Erin & Uncle Cal's

Saturday night we went to Auntie Erin's and Uncle Cal's to watch the fight. While we were there Conner decided to fill his pants. These pictures are Conner's "poop face"!! We think they are great. Later that night Conner decided to get fussy and Uncle Cal got him to calm down for a short while. Then he started back up again and Auntie Erin got him to sleep!!

Our Trip to Ellensburg

Conner and I went to Ellensburg on Friday to suprise Memay. While we were there, I took Conner to my Papa and Gigi's house. It was the first time Conner had met them and we had a wonderful time. Papa and Gigi were the grandparents that Brock, Erin, and I never had. They were wonderful to us and I was very excited to take Conner over there. Conner also met my friend Kara who is due to have her first child in three weeks. And of course, Conner was very excited to see his Memay and Papa. He even got to see Uncle Brock too!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today Jay and I took Conner next door to Job's Nursery. We went to take Conner through the pumpkin patch! It was also Conner's first ride on the four wheeler!! We had a wonderful time. And of course Cyprus followed us and had a blast as well. Cyprus made sure he got into the photos!! Conner loved having his daddy carry him through the patch. It was a wonderful Sunday for the Brantingham Family!

Bath Time

Over the past three weeks Conner has begun to enjoy the bath! He loves splashing and kicking his feet as fast as he can. Jay has really enjoyed this time at night with Conner. It is cute how excited Jay gets to give Conner a bath!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sleepy Time

Every afternoon Conner and I go out for a little walk around the shop and we get the mail. Today when we went outside the guys in the shop were standing around talking so we stopped by to say "hi". As I was saying hi, I pushed the stroller back and forth and this was the end result, A sleepy Conner!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Past and Present

FINALLY, Pictures with Mommy!!

We do love our "Mommy" time at night. Last week we finally started a nite routine. Conner goes to bed at 8. Jay and I bathe him and read to him then its time to chill with his fishies in the crib(Conner has a baby einstein aquarium)!

This was Conner's first trip to Grandma and Grandpa's House. Conner loved it except for he wasn't quite sure about Lily! I am sure Conner will love chasing her next summer!!

Yesterday I took Conner outside to see Grandpa. Conner smiled and laughed and kept talking to Grandpa. I think he see's the similarity between daddy and Grandpa!! Grandpa has worked very hard to put a yard in at our house for Conner!! We are very greatful for all his hardwork! THANK YOU GRANDPA/DAD!!!

We get this face alot!! The "I am not sure what I want" face!

This was the weekend Jay and I planted grass and put beds in before Grandpa seeded the grass!

Our precious time with Grandpa!

The Brantingham Men and a Brantingham boy (or is that two boys and a man!!! ;0)

Aunt Karen who we dearly miss!!! We hope to visit her and Uncle Mike in Brazil within the next year!

Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Brantingham! Conner is very lucky to have great-grandparents that came all the way from the Seattle area to see him!!

These are a colleague of photos I received from Jay's mom this week! She is an excellent photographer!!