Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend

I get to see this smile every morning. When I am in the kitchen and he is playing with his toy's, he looks up at me and smiles huge with a big "hiiiiiii" sound. It's the best good morning smile!!

Conner loves playing with Jay and I on the bed when Jay gets home from work!

These are his beautiful teeth. He has seven and two more about to come through the skin!

Our first Popsicle!!!

Jay's sister was in town over the holiday weekend. We took Auntie Shaila to a bbq at our friend Doug's house. We had a great time seeing Auntie Shaila!

Grandpa & Grandma and Auntie Shaila came over for a bbq on Sunday night. We had a wonderful time and the weather was gorgeous!

Conner loves to through his head back and smile big!! Its the cutest thing!

Yesterday, Conner and I met Jessica and Kylie for lunch. We had a wonderful time. Kylie is quite the talker and the cutie!! We wish they lived closer so we could have play dates! Thanks for the great lunch Jess and Kylie!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mommy and Me

FINALLY, a good picture of Conner and I. Jay took this on Sunday before we went out to the farm to feed Cyprus. Conner loves going out to see his "puppy". I chopped all my hair off two Friday's ago and I am lovin it. Conner swam and played outside this whole weekend. Jay was finally home for the weekend so we just had some good quality down time! Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Today it was 92 degrees so Conner and I spent about an hour in the pool. He loves it!! This is the new pool we got to day. We upgraded to a bigger pool!I have to keep him entertained so he forgets the hat is on his head. Otherwise, he pulls it off!

This is in the "baby" pool on Sunday. It was 90 degrees on Sunday! We swam while we tried to pass time, Jay had to work on Saturday and Sunday so it felt like a long weekend! We missed him LOTS!!!!!!

What a shot!

Suckin it in for the camera!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


We are so lucky that Auntie Erin lives so close. Whenever I need to run an errand or have somewhere I need to be, Auntie Erin can usually make time (even during work) to take care of Conner. This Saturday Erin is watching Conner all day so I can get alot of things accomplished and so Jay and I can have a date night!! She loves him tons and he loves her just as much. Thank you Auntie Erin!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we had my family over for brunch. I didn't get to spend Mother's Day with my mom last year so it was really important to me that I got to spend my first Mother's Day with my mom. We had a wonderful time. My mom got me a gorgeous cuff from Tiffany's to mark my first Mother's Day. Thank you mom. Jay disappeared for about 45 minutes Sunday morning. When he reappeared from my craft/office room I was presented with a wonderful card he had made. It was very sweet. Jay and Conner got me a set of Rachel Ray pots and pans I had been wanting. I couldn't have asked for a better first Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to everyone!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Westport, WA

This weekend we went to Westport for Jay's Grandma's 80th Birthday. The weather was great when we got there on Friday, great when we left on Sunday, and rainy and windy on Saturday. We had a good time even with crummy weather. Conner got to see his Aunt Shaila who he hasn't seen since Christmas. We also got to see Jay's cousins Jeff and Pete who I had never met and Jay hadn't seen in years. Jay's Aunt Karen was also there. Karen and Mike live in Brazil so seeing her was a real treat!!

We had Conner layered up alot so he looked like the Michelen Man. It was windy and rainy on Saturday.

Jay is quite the good self-photo taker!

He didn't last long in the cool fresh air!

Jay fed Conner his first Oatmeal Raisin cookie while Chris(Shaila's Boyfriend) played peek-a-boo.

As you can see, Conner took a real liking to Chris this trip. Yesterday before we left Conner had a blast while Chris feed him peach puffs and made funny noises for him.

Conner crashed out on Pete's lap before dinner on Saturday night. Between family and Lilly (Grandma's dog) Conner was worn out!

On the way home, Jay and I stopped at Miner's in Yakima for dinner. Conner had his first cheeseburger. Conner has four teeth on the top and two on the bottom so he is enjoying "real" food.
We had a great weekend with Jay's family. I hope to post more pictures of the trip once I get them from Grandma Pauline and Aunt Shaila. They always take great pictures. On Saturday night Jay's Mom and Aunt presented a book to Grandma Huff for her birthday. In it were stories from her kids, grandkids, sisters, and family members. When she opened it the first story was from her husband Paul on how they met. He read it aloud and everyone was brought to tears including himself. It was so sweet to see how much he loved and cared for her to this day. They have been married for over 50 years. I hope that when Jay and I reach that age that we have as much love for each other as they do. Jay and I are blessed to have such amazing Grandparents and Conner is blessed to have Great-Grandparents!!