Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend

I get to see this smile every morning. When I am in the kitchen and he is playing with his toy's, he looks up at me and smiles huge with a big "hiiiiiii" sound. It's the best good morning smile!!

Conner loves playing with Jay and I on the bed when Jay gets home from work!

These are his beautiful teeth. He has seven and two more about to come through the skin!

Our first Popsicle!!!

Jay's sister was in town over the holiday weekend. We took Auntie Shaila to a bbq at our friend Doug's house. We had a great time seeing Auntie Shaila!

Grandpa & Grandma and Auntie Shaila came over for a bbq on Sunday night. We had a wonderful time and the weather was gorgeous!

Conner loves to through his head back and smile big!! Its the cutest thing!

Yesterday, Conner and I met Jessica and Kylie for lunch. We had a wonderful time. Kylie is quite the talker and the cutie!! We wish they lived closer so we could have play dates! Thanks for the great lunch Jess and Kylie!!


The Carlson Family said...

Great pictures Amy, you are so beautiful, so is your family. Can't wait to meet them.


Unknown said...


Conner is such a good little boy. It was so great to see you guys. He is a cutie! Take care and have a great week. Please come and visit us. We have a pool now.