Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jay's Jobsite

Yesterday the boys and I headed out to the job site of the new shop. Jay was very excited because yesterday they were doing a crane pick to install the new bridge crane. It went so smoothly Jay was pumped. It only took one try!!! Yeah!! As you can tell in all the photos, Conner was into everything that was doing on that he wouldn't look at the camera.

Conner was so excited to get to watch. There was also a water truck running at the property, guys on scissor lifts hanging the sheeting, and the excavator was digging! It was a busy two hours for Conner. Him and Jack did great!!!
This bridge crane is HUGE!!!
Here is what the shop looks like so far. They just finished framing the offices last week and the roof will go on this week now that the crane is in place.

I don't know who was more excited, Jay to see Conner or Conner to be able to actually go see daddy!

A very proud, hardworking, and loving Father!
Conner looks like an ant next to the new shop! He was talking up a storm for the two hours about all the "big trucks"!

Jay directing the crane operater
The crane sat nicely on the rails and slid so gracefully on the rails! Its amazing how easily it went and it was done in less then two hours. They even lifted both motors after the crane was lifted. Good job to all the guys that helped!! I think Conner would probably go to the job site everyday if I let him. He was exhausted when we finally got home yesterday. We spent the later part of the afternoon at E's house. I watched all three boys while she ran errands. Let me tell ya, I am so THANKFUL I don't have twins. When one cries, they all cry! We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fathers Day

My three boys!!!
Conner is very into having his picture taken lately.

I think Conner was more into Jay's gift then Jay! Jay worked all day Sunday (surprise!) so we had the dinner of his choice Sunday night and enjoyed the evening as a family before bedtime. Happy Father's Day Jay, thank you for being a loving and hardworking husband and father.
Happy Father's Day to Papa/Dad! You have been an amazing father to me and a great Papa to my boys!
Happy Father's Day to David! Thanks for all your hard work at the shop and the house and thank you for spending time with Conner while you are working at the shop! Every time Conner looks at the ceiling fan he asks about "Grandpa"!

Conner is quite the squirter.
Our little man is getting so big. Jack Jay is 16 weeks today!

Typically, this is how it is at our home in the evenings!

A couple of weeks ago I looked outside and this is what I saw. Yes, there is no water in the pool. He's a crazy dog but we love him!


This cartoon is exactly a phase that Conner went through around the beginning of the year. We first noticed it at Christmas dinner at my sister's house! I would have to say Conners best friend is his dog Cypress. Although right now he is obsessed with the two kittens Jay got him.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Memay & Papa's

Jay has been working 7 days a week so last Friday the boys and I took off for Ellensburg. We spent the weekend at my parents just relaxing. When we arrived on Friday Conner was surprised with a new truck. He was so excited that it was just like Daddy's! He spent alot of the weekend driving and putting stuff in the back of his truck.
Conner just had to get outside first thing Saturday to "squirt". I forgot his pj's so yes, in this picture his 18 month pj's are to small but its all we had at Memay's.

Conner is very lucky that Papa took him on rides on Papa's tailor dunn while we visited. It was an adjustment compared to ours. Papa's rides bumpy on the lawn. Yesterday when I took Conner in our tailor dunn he kept saying bumpy.

Conner liked wearing Memay's glasses alot this weekend. We got a few laughs out of it.

Uncle Brock was nice enough to let Conner play with his tonka trucks that are at least 20 years old. Its amazing how cool they were back then and how plastic and cheap they are now.
The weekend for me was a great break. I am so blessed to have an AMAZING MOM! She took care of the boys the whole time and I got to sleep through the night with Conner. We missed Jay but it was also good for Jay to be able to work without any distractions. We met Jay in Yakima Monday night for dinner with my Aunt and Uncle. We always enjoy having dinner with them. Then we came back home to the regular chaos!!!