Friday, June 11, 2010

Memay & Papa's

Jay has been working 7 days a week so last Friday the boys and I took off for Ellensburg. We spent the weekend at my parents just relaxing. When we arrived on Friday Conner was surprised with a new truck. He was so excited that it was just like Daddy's! He spent alot of the weekend driving and putting stuff in the back of his truck.
Conner just had to get outside first thing Saturday to "squirt". I forgot his pj's so yes, in this picture his 18 month pj's are to small but its all we had at Memay's.

Conner is very lucky that Papa took him on rides on Papa's tailor dunn while we visited. It was an adjustment compared to ours. Papa's rides bumpy on the lawn. Yesterday when I took Conner in our tailor dunn he kept saying bumpy.

Conner liked wearing Memay's glasses alot this weekend. We got a few laughs out of it.

Uncle Brock was nice enough to let Conner play with his tonka trucks that are at least 20 years old. Its amazing how cool they were back then and how plastic and cheap they are now.
The weekend for me was a great break. I am so blessed to have an AMAZING MOM! She took care of the boys the whole time and I got to sleep through the night with Conner. We missed Jay but it was also good for Jay to be able to work without any distractions. We met Jay in Yakima Monday night for dinner with my Aunt and Uncle. We always enjoy having dinner with them. Then we came back home to the regular chaos!!!

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