Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Weekend

This weekend Jay is working all weekend so we are very limited in our activities. Last night, our friends Jessica & Ryan and their little girl Kylie came over for a BBQ. We had an awesome time. The kids were hilarious together and it was great to see them.

We had leftover giant sparklers from the 4th last year so we let the kids enjoy them. Conner was somewhat into it and Kylie wasn't quite sure. It might have been that it was past bedtimes and the kids were getting tired.

Jay BBQ'd steaks and shrimp. Conner decided he wanted to eat Jay's dinner and chew on the steak. He was quite proud of himself. I was a little worried but at least he didn't get much off.
Jay and I both wished Jess and Ryan lived closer. We have a ton of fun with them and enjoy their friendship alot. We hope everyone has a safe and fun memorial day weekend!

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