Thursday, May 20, 2010


This past weekend we moved our final things from the Canyon Rim house. My mom watched the boys Saturday afternoon & Sunday morning so Jay and I could get it done with no interruptions. We had a pretty low-key evening with the boys!(above)

Sunday we picked the boys up from Cal & Erin's. Right before we left Cal was chasing Conner. Conner ran into Mac's room and the next thing we heard was crying. We are not sure what he hit but he had an instant black egg on his forehead.

Conner's new nigh time activity is to color in the bath tub. I got him Crayola bath time markers that are great. On Saturday morning I woke up to Conner laughing, when I found him he had gotten the orange marker and had colored the whole outside of the tube. Thank Goodness they are washable!

On our way home from moving a load Jay and I stopped and got Conner a pool. As soon as he got in Cypress wanted in. Conner was covered in dog hair and smelled like wet dog for the remainder of the evening!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, for being moved in and settling back into a normal rountine. Congrats! Conner looks even more like a little kid than even the last time we say him. Your boys are so cute!