Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mac has arrived!

Baby Mac arrived May 11th at 5:13pm. He was 6lbs and 18 inches long. He is very healthy and so is Erin. We were all very excited to meet him. He is gorgeous and has alot of dark hair. I think he looks like his Grandpa Phil. Conner is starting to get confused. He is starting to call Jack Mac and vis-versa. He loves them both alot.

Jack and Conner's first cousin and now I am an Aunt, YEAH!!! I get to return the favor of pumping him up on pop and sugar soon!!! Jack was 13+ pounds at his two month checkup!

The difference of two months and two pounds at birth weight!

The three Alderman Grandbabies!!!
Congratulations Erin and Cal, he is beautiful and we love him lots!!
We have been moving so I am sorry it has taken me so long to post. Lots more to come....

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