Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Memay & Papa's

The Wednesday before Christmas the boys and I headed to Ellensburg to stay with Memay and Papa. We had a great relaxing time.
Conner dancing with Memay to Christmas music.
There is a cat hanging around Memay and Papa's. Conner took a liking to him and
he like Conner just as well. Conner and Memay named him George. Conner calls him "kitty cat George".
Conner thought the bread sticks were chopsticks and he insisted on eating his applesauce with them.

Jack was just happy to eat anything but formula!
Still trying!
Conner got an early present of all Thomas stuff for the bath. He was so ready for a bath even though it wasn't time yet!
After his bath he got new Thomas pj's and green M&M's, can you tell?!?!?!?
He also got a CARS sleeping bag/inflatable bed. He was so excited.

He was so excited he even put himself to bed without telling anyone!
My mom has some of the most amazing/coolest Christmas decor! Way to go Memay!!!

And the best martini's! Not to mention festive!
We had a wonderful time at Memay and Papa's. It was very relaxing and it went by to fast!! Thank you for everything mom & dad. I love you both so much!!!

Brantingham Christmas

We had Christmas with Jay's parents the Tuesday before Christmas. Conner was so excited. He was very proud of his "monster" shirt.
Of course, he was overwhelmed with so many gifts.
Conner enjoyed passing out gifts - rather, chucking gifts. We had to tell him to be gentle with the presents. It was very funny to watch him!
Jack got a drum that lights up. He loves slapping on counters so this was perfect for him.

Conner got Handy Maney. He LOVES it. I was so glad we got no Thomas the Train for at least one night!

The rest of the evening consisted of knocking everything down, over and over again. We had a great evening with Grandma and Grandpa. Conner cried when they left, he wasn't done playing. Thank you David and Pauline for everything!! It was a wonderful early Christmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gingerbread Train

Friday night, Conner and I built his gingerbread train. Wow, it has definitely been the highlight of the season. He wouldn't leave the train until it was time to go to bed. He was so proud of himself.
I have never seen him so excited about something he built, it made me want to cry!!
He is growing up so fast. I am very proud of how smart he is and his ability to do things all by himself.
I was also shocked that he wasn't wanting to eat it right away..... oh wait......
The next day, this is how I would find him. When the house went quiet, all I had to do was go to the kitchen table and there he was....licking away!!! There won't be much left of the caboose after today!

Jay's Christmas Early

I got Jay a new four-wheeler for Christmas. Needless to say, he found out about it early so we had it delivered Tuesday night. Conner was just as excited as Jay.
Conner was very into everything Curt had to tell Jay about the new ride. When Curt turned it on and the screen lit up, Conner yelled "DVD!!!!" We had to explain to him that it didn't play movies!

He could barely wait for Curt to finish instructions. When Jay finally took off with him, he was back within 5 minutes.....Conner had fallen asleep!

Jay has worked very hard this year and for the past three years I have known him. He truly deserved a new toy!!! He is in heaven, we lose him for about 30 minutes each night. He is pleased that he can now go 63mph. He put it on its side for the first time last night. He isn't used to such a big, nice machine!! Love you with all my heart dear, Merry Christmas!!!

The Davenport

At the begging of November, Jay took us to Spokane for the night for a little get away. When we arrived, we had dinner at Cypress O'leary's with our good friends Brad & Traci. The boys were great and we had a wonderful dinner.
Conner was so excited to have a flag in his dinner.
Jack loved his balloon and eating puffs. Jack has become quite the eater. He is starting to refuse formula.
We had a great room with a great view. Conner was able to climb up to the window on his own. He got to watch trains, planes, and lots of fire trucks. There was some type of fire or incident just two blocks away and he got to watch about 6 fire trucks! He was in heaven!

The next morning both boys were dead tired! They zoned into the TV while I got ready and Jay went and had a massage.

Dessert on the bed with daddy, what could be better than that for a 2 year old!!!
And two different desserts.... he was in heaven!!!

Jack just played with the phone while we enjoyed dessert!! We had a nice break from the grind, but it was all to short!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Our littlest is getting very big very fast, I can't believe he will be 1 in just 2 short months!!
Jay's shop is complete!!! He achieved final occupancy the day before Thanksgiving!!! Yeah dear!!! Congrats!

Mac came over and had a bath with Jack the other night. It was his first time in the bath chair!
Bath time at our house has become the night time playtime with Daddy! It seems like I hear gut laughing from the bathroom every night now.

Beaver Bark

We took the boys to Beaver Bark two weeks ago to get our Christmas tree. We weren't quite sure how Conner would do with Santa but as you can tell, it went great.
When we first got there he wanted nothing to do with Santa. So I explained to him that he had to tell Santa he wanted Trains for Christmas, otherwise he might not get them. Apparently he had no problem with that because he bee-lined it past all the kids in line and almost pushed the kid off of Santa's lap. Wow! We definitely weren't expecting that! A great Christmas memory for 2010.
He also loved running through all the trees. We had to chase him and then all the sudden he disappeared. He had run all the way to the end of the lot where he found a forklift, imagine that!!
Jack enjoyed just staying warm and watching his brother!
Conner is quite the talker to strangers these days. It cracks Jay and I up.

We stopped at the grocery store on our way to buy apples to feed the reindeer. They loved it and so did Conner. He even got a snack!

We had a wonderful afternoon getting our tree and playing with the reindeer. Needless to say Conner didn't want to go home!