Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Brantingham Christmas

We had Christmas with Jay's parents the Tuesday before Christmas. Conner was so excited. He was very proud of his "monster" shirt.
Of course, he was overwhelmed with so many gifts.
Conner enjoyed passing out gifts - rather, chucking gifts. We had to tell him to be gentle with the presents. It was very funny to watch him!
Jack got a drum that lights up. He loves slapping on counters so this was perfect for him.

Conner got Handy Maney. He LOVES it. I was so glad we got no Thomas the Train for at least one night!

The rest of the evening consisted of knocking everything down, over and over again. We had a great evening with Grandma and Grandpa. Conner cried when they left, he wasn't done playing. Thank you David and Pauline for everything!! It was a wonderful early Christmas!

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