Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Boys

Jack is into everything these days so we have to move our ottoman's in front of the entertainment center so that he doesn't beat on all the buttons. So now, I have to come out and remove him from sitting directly in front of the tv. I was so excited for him to crawl, now I am wishing he still wasn't moving! I am one exhausted momma!
I am so lucky to have two gorgeous little boys. Jay is helping me to say handsome instead of cute because Conner's sentences and vocabulary are getting so good. The other day I tried on a dress to take to Hawaii and Conner says, "Mommy you look handsome!" It made my day!
Jay stopped and got Conner ice cream on the way home from swimming last week. They were all out of chocolate chip cookies at the hotel. What a nice daddy! Conner had ice cream everywhere!
Our little crawler is everywhere and into everything in minutes!! I can barely keep up with him. Cypress isn't loving all the grabs. Jack keeping trying to crawl over the barrier into the remodel. Oh, and the bathroom is a favorite too!
Conner is very into showing Jack where to go as well. The two of them are definitely double trouble!
Pardon the runny noses. I thought all we were going to have this week was running noses and a little cough, boy was I wrong. Thursday, Conner go fussy and started to run a fever. Jack got diarrhea and then yesterday, well.... lets just say both boys are sick with one coming up, the other coming out. I have changed bedding on every bed twice yesterday and I have two loads of laundry in this morning from last nights activities! I can honestly say, this is the hardest job I have ever had. On a positive note, I am looking forward to Jay and I leaving for Hawaii this week. It will be our first vacation alone since the boys!

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