Saturday, May 21, 2011

Warm Weather

The weather has finally started to get nice in Pasco. We had excellent weather all week. Thursday and Friday were the first two days we were able to really get out an enjoy it. Conner and I have been working on potty training and lets just say.... we started on Monday and we are still working on it. I was about to give up on day three but I decided to stick with it for the long haul! So if no one see's us for a month, I apologize! He is doing quite well and we have had dry nights and nap times we just don't quite understand that we need to stop playing and come and tell mommy! I have faith in the little man that it will click here soon!

Jay said to Conner when he got home, "Hey buddy! Maybe next summer mom will make sure your tank fits!" I swear its a 4t the kid is growing like a week lately!!

How can you resist this little charmer! Jack is definitely going to be chased by the girls! He is growing up very fast too! We are on the verge of walking!

These last three photos are of Jack when he see's Jay pull in. He gets so excited when Jay gets home. He starts pointing and talking up a storm till Jay picks him up! Conner gets very excited too, he usually runs outside and tries to convince Jay to go get the four wheeler and gator!

Life is good at the Brantingham home. Jay is working alot of shut downs right now so the boys and I are staying busy with outside projects and preparation for Auntie Shaila's baby shower. This past week we didn't go anywhere since Conner was potty training and I have to say, it made me realize that I need to give up alot of the craziness in my life and just stay home!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pickling Asparagus

This year is my first attempt at pickling asparagus. I have already learned a couple of lessons but I hope the first batch turns out! I can't believe its already that time of year to start canning & freezing the latest crops!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cowboy Jay

So I am working on some items for my sister-in-laws upcoming baby shower. I requested photo's from my mother-in-law and I got albums, yeah!!! So I just had to post one of my favorites of Jay. This cowboys all grown up now, but dang what a cutie!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Jack's 1st Bubble Bath

Jack was not so sure of the bubbles in the bath. Lets just say he took a quick bath. Conner on the other hand, LOVES bubbles and came out of the bath looking like a prune!

Hat time!!!

The little Angel and the Punk Rocker

Jack was read to get out at this point!

I am very blessed to have such cute little boys!!! They are great little guys and I love spending my days with them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nite Riders

Now that the weather has gotten nice the boys spend at least an hour outside with Jay on the 4wheeler and gator. Conner calls it his alligator. They have a blast and so do I. I get alone time!!!

They are both very upset when they have to come in for dinner! All three of them would live outside and on there atv's if I let them!

Jay & Jack

Jack got his first ride on any of our equipment this past weekend. Conner gets most of the rides and I was thinking back to when Conner got his first ride. Conner was 3 months old. Jack 14 months old. Poor second child!

Needless to say he LOVES his daddy and loved the ride. Now when I take the boys outside and Jack spots a piece of equipment or the four wheeler he starts talking, waving his arms, and frantically tries to get out of my arms and to the vehicle ASAP!


I know Easter was a couple weeks back but I have to share a little funny yet sweet story!!! We never had Peeps growing up in the Alderman household. I don't remember being told no, I just never knew about them till later on in life. This year I thought I would buy a package because Conner is very into chicks. So one afternoon I asked Conner if he would like a treat. Like always his face lit up and he said, "Treat?!?!?!" and I told him yes, a peep. When I open the package and showed him his he REFUSED to eat it because he didn't want to hurt the chicks. He proceeded to tell me that no one could eat them and we just had to pet them. Jay and I tried several times to get him to try one but he stood his ground. Lets hope he doesn't figure out what he eats for dinner!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Final Posting of Palm Springs

Conner was so excited for his first Easter egg hunt.

The day after Easter he woke up and said, "Happy Easter, we do an egg hunt again?"

I can't believe our little man is getting so big!!!

He had such a great time, little does he know he will have competition next year!!!

Jack and Papa!

Conner showing Papa all the great eggs he found!

Bath time in the pirate ship!

Jack is pointing and talking to everything these days.

Family swim time!!!

The boys loved crawling on the steps in the pool.

Conner jumping to daddy!

Jay got to play 18 holes of golf the last day we were in Palm Springs! He did great!

Jack getting his first sinkadink!!!

We got this cute little frog yard art for Conner at an open market. He loves blowing on it to make it spin. Its spinning like crazy in our yard here at home, GO AWAY WIND!!!

We had a wonderful time in Palm Springs with Memay and Papa!!! We can't wait to go back. Thank you Memay and Papa for such a memorable time, we LOVE you both LOTS!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Palm Springs Part 2

The second night we were in Palm Springs we went out to eat. Conner was hilarious. There was a live band and he danced in his seat the whole time.

He loved being sandwiched in between Memay and Papa.

He loves his Memay and Papa!

I LOVE this picture.

Jack and Papa have a very special bond!!!

Yes, he fell asleep like this!

Two very tired boys!

Jack and Mommy

Conner was always very excited to go swimming!

Daddy teaching Conner to golf.

Conner is very into crafts so he was very excited to dye and decorate eggs!

He was very proud of all his eggs!

Jay and I were very impressed with how well he placed all the parts. We would give him each eye, mouth, nose and he would place them perfectly on the eggs!

This flotation device was a hit in the pool and doubled as a great bath tub!

Conner enjoyed everything in his Easter basket. He couldn't wait to go on a hunt.

These next few are Conner and I passing time in the bedroom while the Easter bunny hide the eggs! The funny thing about the top picture is we have an identical picture of Conner when he was 1. I will have to dig it out and compare.

Conner is always good at funny face time!!