Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Country Merchantile for School

 Conner's preschool class went out to The Country Mercantile last Thursday for a field trip.  It was a little early for Jack so he is not guy smiley in any picture.  The both needed haircuts BADLY, so you can say these aren't our cutest pictures!
 It took Jack a while to warm up then he was ready to get into everything.  These boys are quite the workout these days!

 They both loved the ride out to the pumpkin patch. 
 I was a little nervous for Conner to climb Haystack Mountain.  He did GREAT!  I was so proud of him.  He wanted to stay there all day if they would let him.
And then my camera died! The boys both loved the petting zoo and the cookie and juice that followed.  It was a chilly day but sunny.  We all had a great time!

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