Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Update for the Boys

 This is our picky eater.  This is what happens when our picky eater refuses to eat his lunch!
 Conner is very into goggles and swimming lately.  Good thing Jay and I have a big bath.  Conner was so excited when Jay brought these home for him. 
 Jay made DELICIOUS chicken wings when Memay was visiting.  Jack decided he wanted to try one of Memay's.  We were all shocked that he actually ate a little.
 Conner got Fun Dips for a Valentine at school and boy did Jack and him enjoy it!

 Memay got in on the fun too!!!
 Jay went and got a tracker from Uncle Buck to flatten our backyard.  The boys just think its a new big toy in our garage. 
 Both boys LOVE to spend time with Jay in the garage.  Mommy loves it too, I get a little bit of a break!!!

 Grandma was in Texas recently and brought these back for the boys!  This picture is for you Auntie Karen!!!
 I made the boys "coffee" the other day (hot chocolate with a little Vanilla).  They thought it was great and boy did they act all grown up!
 Jack and Conner play hard and as you can see Jack crashes hard.  Just about anywhere!!!
 Jay attempted to start on the backyard this weekend.  The weather has been so windy its been pretty difficult. 

These boys sure do love their daddy!  Jack calls him "dabbie".  Jack is definitely like Jay's new shadow.  He wants to be everywhere daddy is!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FINALLY... Pics of Stella

This nursery was so unlike me in the sense that I put it off till the last minute.  But, I love how it came together.  Here is the room our little princess came home too!
 The "S" was hand carved from a couple I found on Etsy.  Stella loves staring at it. 
 The tree is also a big eye catcher for her.  She will lay in her crib for a long time just staring at it. 
 And then she arrived... Stella Jo Brantingham, born February 9th at 8:54pm.  She weight 10 lbs 6 oz and was 21 inches long!  She looks just like her daddy.   I felt amazing afterwards and continue too.  I only had to have three stitches!!!
 Memay was the first to meet the little Miss (yet I didn't get a picture with her) Grandpa came shortly there after. 
 Then came her two big brothers.  They both were very sweet with her.  Jack just wanted to give her kisses (Jack's kisses are head bonks) and Conner just wanted to pat her head. 

 This is one of my favorite pics so far, Sissy and Daddy!!  Jack has already named her Sissy!

 "Uncle" Jane and Uncle Louie came by to visit the little miss on her first full day!  We are very blessed to have them as a big part of our lives.  Conner started calling Aunt Jane, Uncle Jane and it has stuck for our family!
 This was the night of her Hospital Photo.
 Our first day home.  Conner had picked this outfit out for her before she was born so it was only fitting that she wear it the first day.  (Not only that but NB clothes didn't last past the first week.... we were in size 1 diapers before she left the hospital!!!)
 I have this exact picture with each kiddo!
 Jack loves talking to her and giving her loves when she is in the black bouncy chair!!!

 Papa and Uncle Brock also came to the hospital.  We also got the pleasure of Papa staying with us for two nights!!!  Memay also stayed with us for a week, I am SO BLESSED to have AMAZING parents!!! Thank you Memay for all you have done for us in the past weeks and thank you Papa for giving up Memay for the past weeks!! We love you both tons!!!
 Grandma came over once she got back from Texas to meet miss Stella.

 This was in the hospital the day we were discharged.
 Our little Valentine!!!
Conner loves to pick out headbands and this was his selection. 

So there she is!!!  I have so much to be thankful for.  The boys have adjusted amazingly, work hasn't been overwhelming, Stella eats like a champ, Stella sleeps like a champ, Jay has been able to get back to a regular routine, and I feel complete as a mother.   Our family is complete and life is great.  Jay is continuing to amaze me everyday with the success of his business.  He has already set records this year and its only February!!! I am so proud of him and the father he is to our children!!  I am a very blessed mother, wife, daughter, and sister!!! I don't think its possible for me to be any happier than I am!! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Stella has arrived!!!

Stella Jo Brantingham arrived February 9th at 8:54pm. She was 10 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long! She is eating like a champ! And yes, She looks just like her Father.... No surprise there. We got to the hospital at 6:45pm. Needless to say labor was fast and we are both doing great! I will post pics once we get home!