Saturday, August 2, 2008


Conner Paul Brantingham arrived July 27th 2008 at 6:52am. He weighted 8lbs 9oz and has a head of dark brown hair. His feet were so big that when they stamped them, they hung off the paper!! He was very healthy and we had no complications during or after the labor. Jay and I arrived at the hospital at 5:00am and just 1 hour and 52 short minutes, he was here. Jay got the opportunity to deliever Conner, it was quite the experience. Jay and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect son! Jay has been the most AMAZING dad to Conner! I look forward to the many years with both of them!!


Unknown said...

Jay and Amy,

He is so beautiful. I am so glad that you posted pictures. I also am glad to hear that you all are doing well. We are still waiting for Conner's girlfriend to arrive. I wish you all the best and get some rest.

Take Care, Jessica

Allison said...

Hi guys - you all look so happy! Just wanted to stop in. Love the pics, especially Jay and Mini-Me crashed out on the couch together. CLASSIC!! The package I sent over got returned, but Aunt Karen will be bringing it to you when she comes to visit next week...