Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter & Time w/Daddy

This is my favorite picture! Jay bought a backpack at REI and we go on walks at night. I think Jay likes it as much as Conner. There is a mirror on the side strap so Jay can peek at Conner. Conner thinks he's playing pick-a-boo. Its very cute to watch. I am so lucky to have such handsome men!!!

Last weekend Jay took Cypress up in the hills with them to construct a shop for a customer. So on Sunday morning I went for Conner and I's morning walk and Cypress accompanied us. When we got back Conner was asleep so Cypress watched over him while I cleaned up the yard!

We have been bbq'n nightly since it has been so nice. This is Conner's favorite event of the day. He gets to be with Dad and he loves the flame!

We went to Ellensburg for Easter weekend. This is the special little ducky bath Memay got Conner. He thought it was great once he got used to it!

Conner is always very attentive when Papa talks.

Conner has really taken a liking to his Uncle Brock!!

And of course, we love our time with Memay!

Uncle Brock is always goofy and I am not sure Conner was getting it!!

Conner had a wonderful Easter basket. He was quite cute in his Easter attire.

Conner got a wind-up bee in his Easter basket. That was the highlight for him, he didn't want anything else!

Conner is very fascinated with fingers. He likes to talk to his fingers when we are in he car. It is very entertaining for me.

This weekend Jay is working in Lyle building a shop for a customer. Conner and I are just staying close to home. This morning Conner was saying "Dada" and looking all around for Jay. As I sat and looked at Conner this morning, I have so much to be thankful for. I have a healthy and beautiful little boy. Whenever we go somewhere, someone is always telling us what a happy and cute little boy we have. Jay and I are so lucky. And I am lucky to have what I think is the perfect little family.

1 comment:

The Carlson Family said...

Amy, I am so glad you found us. Everytime we go by your moms place I wonder how you are. Next time you come to town let us know if you have time and we could meet somewhere your moms or my house. You look wonderful. What a cute baby boy you have.Anyway great to here from you.