Thursday, October 29, 2009

Doby & Fun Times with Grandpa

Conner has finally found his favorite comfort item. Its his chocolate lab puppy he got for his birthday. Jay named him Doby and Conner takes his everywhere. He even managed to tuck him in before he fell asleep at nap time!
On Sunday, Jay's dad came over to help blow out our sprinkler system. Conner had a great time following daddy and Grandpa around. Grandpa was also at our house on Tuesday building shelves in our garage so Jay and Conner got to spend more quality time with them both. Then last nigh, I had a MOPS nite out at my house so Jay and Conner took dinner over to Grandpa's. Conner was so tired when he got home but I could tell he had a wonderful time. THANK YOU GRANDPA for all you do for us!!! It means the world to us and we love you!

The Phone

Our son is obsessed with phones! He is so into talking on the phone right now that he will use anything as a phone. Just yesterday I caught him talking into his hand. His favorite phrase to say is "Oh my gosh!" He gets the saying from his daddy, Memay, and Auntie Erin.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Jack Jay Brantingham

Today we found out that we will be having another beautiful boy!! His arrival date has been moved from the 11th of March to the 8th of March. Jay and I had already decided on Jack Jay. It was a wonderful morning. Jay and I had our hearts set on the first two being boys so we are very blessed. I wish you could have all seen Jay's reaction in the ultrasound room, it was truely priceless!! These boys are blessed with a daddy that loves them so much!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Uneventful Week

This week and last week have been pretty uneventful for Conner and I at home. Jay has been really busy working really hard and late alot this week. Conner gets so excited when he finally gets home.

Conner is wanting to be very independent when he eats so this is the result! He only gets away with it when bath time is near.

Oh pink!! Conner "borrowed" a little girls car at the park the other day. He threw a temper-tantrum when I tried to get him out of it. I looked like the bad mom at the park. When I look back on it I laugh!
Cypress has been at our house all day everyday this week and Conner has loved every minute of it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Part 2

Pumpkin Patch

Jay and I took Conner to the Country Merchantile's Fall Festival on Sunday. We went and had lunch first then we went through the pumpkin patch. It was very chilly but we had a great time.

It was a little tricky for Conner. His feet kept getting stuck in the vines.

He almost went down a couple of times! Jay and I enjoyed just watching him maneuver through the patch.

Conner loved the tracker ride out to the pumpkin patch and back!

Conner was more interested in the small pumpkin on display then he was with any of the pumpkins in the field.

Jay and I enjoyed just sitting in the sun while Conner ran around the tent polls and picnic table for about 30 minutes.

Conner tried his first piece of cotton candy and was not a fan, I was surprised!! He spit blue all over! It was funny though.

We thought for sure that Conner would be into the petting zoo because he loves animals but we were wrong. The only animal he would pet was the caged bunnies.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Birthday Celebration

Thursday was my birthday and Jay and Conner sent me this gorgeous arrangement. I am very spoiled!!! My parents and brother came down for the day and my mom watched Conner while I ran errands and got a pedicure! Then my mom made "Thanksgiving Dinner" for my birthday dinner. My Aunt Jane and Uncle came along with my sister and her husband. It was a wonderful evening!
Conner watch Cypress out the window again for the majority of the afternoon. Then Memay let Conner play outside with Cypress for a good chunk of the afternoon!

Conner figured out how to get into the back of his truck this week. Now he expects to get a ride anytime he gets in!
My little helper! I had a wonderful birthday! Thank you mom for all you did to make it a wonderful day. And thank you Jay, for my WONDERFUL gift and flowers. I love you all! And thank you to everyone who sent cards and gifts. It was a very special day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Weekend Fun

My two FAVORITE boys!!

The famous "Jay" pose! He does this alot when he watches Conner!

This was a couple weekends ago. It was the last time that it was warm enough for Conner to get wet!


So the past few weeks I have been battling with Conner to wear shoes and socks. This weekend Jay decided to "help". It was quite hilarious but Conner didn't think it was very funny for too long!! Jay thought he might like Daddy's socks better then his own. Thank you daddy for the laughs!

Jay wants to wait until Conner is two for his first hair cut but I'm not so sure. We are starting to get a tail. At least he got his mommy's wavy/curly hair and it still looks like cute curls in the back!

Again, another lesson in socks complementary of Daddy!

Last week, My sister and mom and I went to Seattle to do some shopping. We stayed the night and had a wonderful time. When we were in Nordstroms, Conner discovered he could see Mommy and Memay across the escalators through the glass. He thought it was great. He could have played there by the glass all day! (Again, as you can see no socks or shoes!)

Conner loves the fact that Memay and Auntie Erin let him dig through their purses!

We spent about an hour in PB for Kids while Conner pushed the vacuum most of the time and the shopping cart the remainder. He loves any vacuum and pretty much anything with wheels that he is able to push!
Overall, its been a great couple of weeks here at the Brantingham's. Jay has been working on Saturday's and keeping really busy with starting construction on the new shop. I am very excited for him to see his current dream come true. I can't wait to see what his next big dream is once this shop is finished. Not only will our kids keep us busy for life, but I think Jay will be there biggest competition!!! I have been able to step away from some of the books so I have been able to do the things I enjoy alot more. I am very blessed to have a hardworking husband that allows me to do these things!!! Jay and I are looking forward to finding out if it's a girl or boy on Oct. 26th. We are almost half way through the pregnancy and very excited!