Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just the Three of Us

This weekend Jay worked very little so that we could spend what might be our last weekend as the three of us. Jay worked in the morning on Saturday then came home around lunch time. We decided to take Conner to Toys R Us to look at the bikes and to pick out a new truck. Conner is obsessed with bikes right now so we let him ride a tricycle around the store for a while then we let him pick out a new truck that we are hiding until baby Jack arrives. We also bought Conner a basketball hoop for in the back yard. He is great at it!!! Jay also got Conner his first real measuring tape at Sears.

On Sunday, Jay took us to Cousins for breakfast and then he and Conner played outside. When they came in Jay was so excited because Conner fell asleep with him on the big boy bed in Jack's room. It was adorable. Once they got up we had a little lunch then we went to the park. Conner had a blast on the swings and then he went down the slide all by himself which was a big deal. Cypress was all about going down the slide as well. It was pretty hilarious. We had a GREAT weekend with Daddy home.

As the weekend comes to a close we are very anxious to meet Baby Jack. Hopefully it won't be to much longer. I am excited to see how Conner reacts and I am excited to see who/how Jack looks. We hope everyone had a great weekend and we will keep you posted as to when our little Jack arrives!

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