Saturday, February 13, 2010


Today has been a low-key day for Conner and I. Jay is working a shut-down today through Tuesday so Conner and I are trying to fill our days to pass the time until Jay gets home. Yesterday I had my 36 week checkup for baby Jack. My fluid levels were low so they took an in-room ultrasound. It showed that the levels were better than what they expected but they saw that Jack's intestine's are dilated. So, I am trying to take it super easy for the rest of the pregnancy. They scheduled an ultrasound for next Thursday to see if the condition improves and if not then they will decide what needs to happen. So, this morning Conner helped me and we dipped strawberries in chocolate and then glazed them. As I was putting Conner down for a nap, the florist stopped by with yet another AMAZING floral arrangement from my AMAZING husband. Thank you for the wonderful flowers Jay, they are amazing and made my day!!! Conner is missing his daddy but we are thankful for all the work the business is receiving. I am looking forward to Jacks birth for two reasons... one I can't wait to meet the new addition to my wonderful family and two... Jay gets to be with us during the day!!! Yeah!!! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

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