Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our First Week at Home

This picture was actually the night before I went into labor. Jay took Conner on his first bike ride of this year!! The helmet actually fit nicely and they had a great time!
One day when I was nursing Jack, Conner decided to dump my jewelry box. Since I couldn't do much about it, he had a great time.
Saturday morning Jay had a small welding job he had to go do so the boys and I spent some time just playing in the living room. Conner has adjusted extremely well to his new little brother. When Jay got back, he and Uncle Mike took Conner to the Monster trucks at the TRAC. Auntie Erin got them good seats, a checkered flag for Conner, and a monster truck toy. We weren't sure how well he would do but he did awesome. Jay said he refused to wear head phones but the noise didn't bug him. Jay said he was very serious the entire time.
After they got done at the Monster Trucks, Jay had another small weld job so he took Conner with him. Conner was in a great mood when he got home and Jay said they had a wonderful day. I had a great day just running errands with Jack. I forget how nice it is to run errands with an infant that just sleeps in the car seat the entire time.
Tonight Conner decided he wanted to wear his safety glasses. Silly boy!!!
We got Conner's hair cut this last Thursday. We decided to go big boy short because his hair grows so fast!
After he got done being goofy, I found him in Jay and I's bedroom watching "Calliou". Its his favorite show for the time being if you can't tell.
This pictures says it all, he wants to be just like his daddy!!! Jay has been bringing home a trailer behind the Dodge the majority of this week (and I guess the past couple months). Conner has used his train caboose to "attach" it to his car. Its hilarious, he drives forward then gets out and pulls the trailer up to the back of the car. He sure does love his daddy! Overall, we have adjusted well to the new addition to our family.

1 comment:

Stine said...

Hi Amy

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. He is very cute ;-)

Hope you are doing great being back home with all your 3 boys.

