Friday, April 30, 2010

Our Big Helper

Tonight I took a bath and usually I take Jack into the bathroom with me and Jay watches Conner. Tonight Conner came in just as Jack lost his binky. Conner was a great little helper and he helped his little brother out. I was able to get Jay to come in and document it!

Conner was so proud of himself!
Jack played the game and kept spitting it out!

He gets so tickled with himself.

We had a little bit of panic towards the end when Conner decided to take the binky away!!! After a long week of packing and starting to move, we are headed to Ellensburg for a little break and some time to hang out with Jessica, Ryan, and Kylie! And of course we get to stay with Papa and Memay(my favorite part... I get to sleep through the night Saturday night because I have a WONDERFUL mother who will stay up with both boys if need be!)

Monday, April 26, 2010

This Weekend

Conner has been spending most of his time in our backyard. I have started to pack so it is a nice distraction for him and nice for me so that things actually get packed instead of unpacked.
He isn't to happy when I mention that we will have to go in soon.

Our little Jack will be two months this coming Sunday, the time has flown since he was born.
Saturday night we had a dinner at our house with just family to celebrate Jack's birth. My mom gave an amazing toast to Jack!

Conner enjoyed his crushed ice in a special glass like everyone else.

I decided to relax and let someone else make the cake. It was gorgeous, very heavy, and delicious!

My Aunt and Uncle from Yakima came. They hadn't seen the boy's since the hospital so it was a very fun visit.

Daddy and Conner messing around!

Jay and his father usually get into serious talks about the business and new shop. Great minds think alike!

Yesterday, Jack and I attended my sister's baby shower. It was a wonderful shower put on by her sister-in-laws. She and baby Mac got lots of great gifts, we can't wait for his arrival. Jay and Conner spent the day together gathering supplies for the employees working down in Boardman. I know Conner had a blast because he got to play at the new shop construction site and he got to ride in the Truck to Boardman and back.

He is quite the talker these days. Its usually about daddy and his truck.

Monday, April 19, 2010


My handsome boys! We had Jay's parents and our neighbors over for Easter lunch. We had a wonderful time. We didn't do an Easter egg hunt this year because we weren't sure Conner would be into it.

Jack will be 7 weeks old tomorrow, boy does time fly!
Auntie Erin and I both got Conner Pez. He LOVED them, now he asks for Pez all the time.

Conner was quite the entertainment.
Grandpa and Baby Jack.

Grandma and Baby Jack.
We had wonderful weekend on Easter and this weekend. We played almost all day outside with the boys yesterday. Jay took the day off and Conner was so excited that when Conner got up, I took him out of our bedroom (he woke up at 4 and came in with us). When I took him out I shut the door so Jay could sleep in. That didn't last for long because Conner sat outside the door or pounded on the door yelling "daddy". It was cute but frustrating because I wanted Jay to be able to sleep in. If that isn't a sign that Conner ADORES his daddy.
This week will be another busy one for us. We sign all the final paperwork on the sale of our house this evening and the packing begins. I am very excited for today because my parents will be here to see the boys. Memay and Papa have been in California since the week after Jack was born so they have missed alot. We look forward to their visit.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Last night we had a couple come look at the house that had looked at it two days prior. When they were finished looking he made us an offer and had his agent to our house within the hour with the paperwork. So its official, our house is sold and we are moving back out to the farm house. We decided to put our house for sale by owner just shortly after Jay started construction on the new shop. Our long term plan is to live in the farm house and then build on the far side of our 10 acres. Jay is very excited to have the boys back out at the farm house. On a side note, just like everyone else we had to pay taxes this week. It was bitter sweet for us.... Jay had another record year with his profits and he doubled again since last year, CONGRATULATIONS sweety!!! I am very proud of you and all your hard work! The sad part, nearly half of it went to the d*** government! Thanks alot Obama! On a better note, Jay's business is off to yet another AMAZING year, I guess its no shocker! Great job on all your hard work, dedication, and determination dear!! I love you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Last Friday Jay took the afternoon off so we decided to put the "big boy bed" in Conner's room and move the crib to Jack's room. Conner has adjusted extremely well. As you can tell he was thrilled! He has done great getting in and out and we haven't had a problem yet.

Conner is such a hoot these days. I started a new workout routine that includes a 30minute dvd. Conner likes to do the squats and sit ups. Its hilarious to watch him. Jay and him have been going swimming one a week and it seems to be the highlight of his week. He is repeating everything everyone says and doing extremely well. He can't get up on Jay and I's bed yet but this morning when he came into our room he had his box of legos and he attempted to use it as a stool to get up on the bed. We have a very intelligent little Mister!
He isn't a big fan of the swim diaper and he throws a fit whenever Jay puts it on him.
Since Jay works long and hard hours, Conner is always so excited to see him and get to do things with him. They go swimming just the two of them, its very cute! Conner is very into talking about Daddy's truck, the color black(daddy's truck is black), work(where daddy goes each day), and Doug(Jay's right hand man). Its very cute to listen to him talk about it all.
When Jay talks Conner swimming I take the opportunity to give Jack a calm and quiet bath. He was very talkative last night. I wish I could post the video but its a little long.
Our boys are growing up so fast! Jack is 6 weeks today and Conner is coming up on 21 months! Scary! Life is the Brantingham house is crazy busy as usual but very good!

Monday, April 5, 2010

He makes this face whenever he hears Conner or when Conner gets really close to him! Conner was a little rough with Jack at first but he is learning to be gentle.

Our very serious face!!!
Its hard to believe that he is a month old. He has become very alert the past few days. His head is getting really strong. He amazes Jay and I every day. Tonight, I am home alone with Jack and its Monday night, WEIRD. The house is silent and all I can hear is the rain outside. Jack is by my side snoozing while I update our blog. Conner and Jay are swimming with a friend of Jay's from high school and his son. Life is good and I am enjoying the brief silence. We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

One Month Old

Our baby boy is 1 month old today. The time has flown by! This morning I enjoyed just watching him make faces at me while Conner watch the good morning show on Sprouts. Its amazing how strong and animated Jack is. Jay and I are very blessed to have to wonderful, gorgeous, healthy boys!!!