Sunday, August 29, 2010


My parents got Jay this really cool folding hammock for fathers day. It takes 90 seconds to put up. Jay and the boys love it. Today Conner fell asleep on his side. Jack had a blast. He is changing so much each day. Today he gut laughed while I fed Cypress pancakes. Jay filmed it but it was to long to post on the blog.

We had a wonderful weekend with Jay. He didn't work at all this weekend and it was great. We bbq'd Friday night, went out to Chinese on Saturday night, and just chilled today. Grandma and Grandpa stopped by. We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Waiting for Daddy

On Tuesday we were waiting for Jay to get back from Alaska so I tried to keep Conner busy. He was very excited to go to the airport to pick up Jay.
I can't believe how big Conner has gotten. Jay was shocked at how much he and Jack had changed since he was gone.
You can't tell that these are Jay's boys can you?!?!?!!?!?!?!
Conner didn't make it past the first sentence in the book Grandma was reading him. Jay's mom came over and had dinner with us. Jay and David's flight didn't get in till 11ish so Grandma stayed and played with the boys until we had to wake them up to go to the airport.
He's really good at saving his dinner for later!!! Jay and David had an amazing time in Alaska. As soon as Jay gets me the adapter for his camera I will have pics. Conner was so excited to see Jay. Jack had the biggest smile for Jay even though we had to wake him up to go get daddy! We all missed Jay tons and were glad to have him back home. We even got to spend the entire weekend with him this weekend!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Aquarium/Memay & Papa's

About a month ago we took a trip to Seattle to visit Jay's grandparents. We also stopped off at the Aquarium in Seattle. It was very rainy and cold (hence the jackets in August).

Conner LOVED the aquarium!!

I wasn't so sure that he would want to touch any of the exhibits. He was totally into it, but it turned into a splashing game for him.
The night before we stayed at Memay and Papa's. Jay got to see the boys truck for the first time. They had a blast with it.

Jack got the chance to ride Conner's motorcycle while we were there too! These boys aren't spoiled or anything. Papa didn't get me my first car till I was 17 and here Conner has a motorcycle, truck, and sports car!

Conner is never thrilled to share with Jack, but its a whole different story when its daddy!

Erin & Mac's Visit

About a month ago, Auntie E and Mac came by to hang out. We got alot of really good pics of Mac and his mommy here they are!

I think he looks like his daddy!

Mac is such a great baby!

Benton County Fair/Rodeo

By the end of the night both boys were exhausted. Jack woke up shortly before the night was over and was up till 12am! Lets just say today has already been to long and its just past noon!
I promise there was no Crown in his drink but it was the perfect size kids cup! He loved drinking water and a little pop out of it!
We invited Jay's good friend from high school and his wife and kids. We met them at the fair prior to the rodeo. We also met our office manager and a vendor of our, Clinton and his wife and son. We all had a great time. The boys were good for the most part and Jay and I had a great time.
I wasn't so sure Conner would ride the pony but he loved it! That was until another horse got spooked and jerked all the ponies. At that point he was ready to get off.
Jay took Conner on the slide twice! Conner loved it, he kept asking to go again and again.
Jack just got two teeth and is working on two more so he was content just chewing on the stroller the majority of the time.

It was a hot when we first got to the fair and then it was perfect once the sun went down. We had a great time with friends! The rodeo was a great show and we were in the box Jay bid on. They are above the chutes and were awesome! We hope to have the same seats next year! This weekend we are recovering from a busy week before we head to the Ellensburg Rodeo next week!

Demo Derby

Conner and I went to the Demo Derby on Monday night. Jay bid on box seats and they were awesome. They were similar to the Gold Buckle at the Eburg Rodeo. Conner was totally into the racing and then when the demo started he was a little disappointed. He kept saying, "Daddy fix, Daddy fix." He was very concerned that the cars were getting destroyed.
Tim(above) & Mike, two of our employees, joined us with four of their friends. Our office manager Debbie and her friend Paul were also there. We all had a great time. The weather was excellent.
Conner's favorite part of the show... watching the forklifts either pick up cars or relocate tires.

Oh and by the way, this is our newest head injury. He slit it open on the garage floor. I am seriously thinking about buying this kid a helmet!!! It was a wonderful date night with my son. I haven't had alone time with Conner in quite some time. It was the best night of the summer so far! Love you Conner!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Our little Talker

Our son is all about the cell phone and our employees! I gut laughed for about 10 minutes while he "talked"!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Visit to Renton

Jay had Saturday off this weekend so we took off to go visit his grandparents. It was the first time they had seen Jack. I never had blood related Grandparents growing up so it means alot for me that the boys spend time with both grandparents. I am very grateful that our boys have the opportunity to have great grandparents. They live in Renton so we don't see them often enough. The visit was wonderful. The boys were angels and were great. God has truly blessed us with Jay's grandparents. We spent the morning at his grandpa's house then we went to breakfast at McDonalds. After breakfast we went to see Jay's grandma at the assisted living facility. She has become sick and needs attention 24 hours.

Conner got to color the majority of the time so he enjoyed himself.

Jack was great and let everyone hold him without a fuss. The only fuss we got was when nap time approached and both boys needed one by noon. For them that's impressive!

Jack is definitely our smiley boy! And Jack got his first tooth this weekend and his second is coming right along!

We had a wonderful time with Jay's grandparents. The time was to short. Conner got to choose lots of rocks from Grandpa's collection. He also scored some great old trucks and toys! It was so touchy to see his grandparents. I have never seen a man so in love with his wife and devoted to her. Jay's grandpa said such sweet words about his wife and there was no shortage on the love he showed her the entire time we were there. My heart and prayers go out to both of them in this tough time. It was painful to watch him say goodbye to her. We love them both lots and wished they lived closer!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Missing Cypress

Cypress went missing this week and has not come back. We are hoping that someone took him and that he is in a better place. I know my hardest job for the next couple of weeks is trying to make Conner understand that we can't go play with him or feed him. I am thankful that Conner isn't older because it would crush him. My heart is torn for Jay, he got Cypress as a puppy and has had him as his child for 9 years. Cypress was the best dog anyone could have. As you can see in the picture, he was our big goof and loving bear. We will miss you terribly Cypress!