Monday, August 9, 2010

Visit to Renton

Jay had Saturday off this weekend so we took off to go visit his grandparents. It was the first time they had seen Jack. I never had blood related Grandparents growing up so it means alot for me that the boys spend time with both grandparents. I am very grateful that our boys have the opportunity to have great grandparents. They live in Renton so we don't see them often enough. The visit was wonderful. The boys were angels and were great. God has truly blessed us with Jay's grandparents. We spent the morning at his grandpa's house then we went to breakfast at McDonalds. After breakfast we went to see Jay's grandma at the assisted living facility. She has become sick and needs attention 24 hours.

Conner got to color the majority of the time so he enjoyed himself.

Jack was great and let everyone hold him without a fuss. The only fuss we got was when nap time approached and both boys needed one by noon. For them that's impressive!

Jack is definitely our smiley boy! And Jack got his first tooth this weekend and his second is coming right along!

We had a wonderful time with Jay's grandparents. The time was to short. Conner got to choose lots of rocks from Grandpa's collection. He also scored some great old trucks and toys! It was so touchy to see his grandparents. I have never seen a man so in love with his wife and devoted to her. Jay's grandpa said such sweet words about his wife and there was no shortage on the love he showed her the entire time we were there. My heart and prayers go out to both of them in this tough time. It was painful to watch him say goodbye to her. We love them both lots and wished they lived closer!

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