Thursday, August 26, 2010

Benton County Fair/Rodeo

By the end of the night both boys were exhausted. Jack woke up shortly before the night was over and was up till 12am! Lets just say today has already been to long and its just past noon!
I promise there was no Crown in his drink but it was the perfect size kids cup! He loved drinking water and a little pop out of it!
We invited Jay's good friend from high school and his wife and kids. We met them at the fair prior to the rodeo. We also met our office manager and a vendor of our, Clinton and his wife and son. We all had a great time. The boys were good for the most part and Jay and I had a great time.
I wasn't so sure Conner would ride the pony but he loved it! That was until another horse got spooked and jerked all the ponies. At that point he was ready to get off.
Jay took Conner on the slide twice! Conner loved it, he kept asking to go again and again.
Jack just got two teeth and is working on two more so he was content just chewing on the stroller the majority of the time.

It was a hot when we first got to the fair and then it was perfect once the sun went down. We had a great time with friends! The rodeo was a great show and we were in the box Jay bid on. They are above the chutes and were awesome! We hope to have the same seats next year! This weekend we are recovering from a busy week before we head to the Ellensburg Rodeo next week!

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