Monday, September 13, 2010

Jack's New Seat

So we got Jack a new seat for in the bathtub. He isn't quite old enough for it but Conner insisted on sitting in it. It was all fun and games until Memay picked him up and put his bottom in the seat with his legs out the top. It was hilarious! Memay, E, and I were laughing so hard.
He is such a crack up these days! Tonight Jay and I got Conner ready to get in the bath and he decided to dance around the living room. It was hilarious! I am so shocked that he doesn't throw up with all the spinning he does!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday night was Shaila's bridal shower so today Jay and I took the boys over to Grandma and Grandpa's so that Shaila and Pauline's sister, Karen, could see the boys before they went back to the westside. We had a great time!
We are excited for Shaila's wedding on the 23rd of October. Then we are hoping for cousins shortly there after, No pressure though!!!
Conner loves all the time he can get with Jay!
Jack can get his whole fist in his mouth! Gotta love teething!

Jay's Aunt Karen and her mother-in-law, Jerry, where also at the house. Aunt Karen is known for getting the boys all there speedos. We are very happy that her and Mike are living back in the states!

Aunt Karen was very generous in letting Jack chew on her watch!
Jack crashed and took a good nap with Aunt Karen.
Grandma is always very good about getting on the ground and playing trucks with Conner. He was in heaven!

Conner, Jay, and I took a little nap on the hammock. And yes it was very little, about 30 seconds after this photo was taken Conner decided to crawl towards me and jumped on Jay. That was the end of that, the hammock snapped and we all went crashing to the floor. We laughed pretty hard. Nobody got to seriously hurt. I skinned my arm and Jay says he will be feeling it tomorrow. We had a great afternoon with the Brantingham/Huff clan. We came home and Conner got to help Jay load work trailers with the forklifts. As much as I would love to post more I am dead tired! Goodnight!

Applesause with Memay

Memay came to the Tri-Cities on Friday to make applesauce with us. We had a great time and Conner had an even better time running wild in E's house. And he got to eat endless amounts of warm fresh applesauce.

Conner is still into mixi-mixing so Memay let him mix as long as he wanted.
Jack and Mac played together throughout the day. Jack is very into grabbing so he kept trying to get Mac. Mac just laughed at him.
Half way through Conner fell asleep on E's bed while watching Thomas the Train.

Yes those are little teeth marks. And yes, there was just one bite out of at least 6 apples. But he did put them back in the box!
Jack and Mac kicked around in the crib when we first got there. I guess it was more like Jack marched and Mac talked. Jack does this hilarious thing with his whole body that we call the march! I will have to get a video soon!
Memay stayed till Saturday night. We had a great time making applesauce on Friday and shopping on Saturday. We went to Shaila's bridal shower on Saturday night which was amazing! Thank you Memay for teaching us to make applesauce. I am so grateful that I got to sleep through the night and to sleep in. Thank you Memay!!! We love you lots!

My Boy's

I am such a lucky mommy!!! I have the cutest little boys. Not only are their looks so cute but there personalities and hearts are even better!!! They are growing up so fast, everyday I look at Conner I feel like he should still be Jack's size. Conner is such an amazing big brother to Jack. Tonight when I said good night to Conner (Jay was taking him to bed) he totally forgot about me and said "nigh nigh Jack"! He is always looking out for his little brother! Mommy loves you boys!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Baby

My baby was 6 months old on the 2nd. I took him to his 6 month checkup on Tuesday. He weighed 19 lbs and 27 inches long. The Dr. said he is healthy, perfect, and advanced for a 6 month old. She thinks he might be walking by 9 months! (And I thought I was busy now!)
Jack is such a happy, smiley, and talkative baby boy! We love him lots and so does his brother. Conner acts like Jack is the best thing in the world. The only thing Conner might choose over Jack would be his forklifts!! Conner is always concerned where Jack is and if he is crying Conner freaks. On the other hand, Jack is always looking for Conner. If Conner is napping when Jack wakes up, Jack is searching for him and when he finds him, Jack has the biggest smile.
Happy 6 months Jack Jay. Mommy and daddy love you tons and are so proud to have such an amazing little boy. I couldn't have asked for two more beautiful, loving, and awesome children!

So Dang Cute

How do you discipline when he's so dang cute??? Conner is at such a fun stage. Jay and I get a good laugh at least once a day. I asked him to wipe the smirk off his face the other day and yes, he started wiping like there was food all over his face! Mommy loves you tons Conner Paul!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rodeo Weekend

Last weekend we spent Labor Day with Memay and Papa. They had a wonderful bbq with friends and family on Thursday night, we attended the Rodeo on Friday night, took Conner to the fair
on Saturday, and Jay and I went to the bulls Saturday night. We had a great time. Memay got Conner his first cowboy hat. He was so into it and saying "yee-haw". It was hilarious. Mac, E's baby, had a little afternoon stroll in Memay's car. He is getting so big and strong!
Memay and Jack just hanging out and watching Conner.

Memay also got Conner two horses. He loved being chased on them. We had a great afternoon riding!
He is getting so big! He had a great time watching the rodeo. Now, he saying "bucking horsey" all the time!

Papa is definitely Jack's favorite. He will sit and talk to Papa for hours on end. Its cute how much he lights up and acts around Papa. He's a different little guy when he gets to spend time with Papa. We love you Papa!
Jay had to work Sunday and Monday so we spent the rest of the weekend at home getting back into a routine.
Thank you to Memay and Papa for letting us come invade. We had a wonderful time and are thankful for all you do for us! We love you and miss you lots! We hope everyone had a wonderful labor day weekend!