Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday night was Shaila's bridal shower so today Jay and I took the boys over to Grandma and Grandpa's so that Shaila and Pauline's sister, Karen, could see the boys before they went back to the westside. We had a great time!
We are excited for Shaila's wedding on the 23rd of October. Then we are hoping for cousins shortly there after, No pressure though!!!
Conner loves all the time he can get with Jay!
Jack can get his whole fist in his mouth! Gotta love teething!

Jay's Aunt Karen and her mother-in-law, Jerry, where also at the house. Aunt Karen is known for getting the boys all there speedos. We are very happy that her and Mike are living back in the states!

Aunt Karen was very generous in letting Jack chew on her watch!
Jack crashed and took a good nap with Aunt Karen.
Grandma is always very good about getting on the ground and playing trucks with Conner. He was in heaven!

Conner, Jay, and I took a little nap on the hammock. And yes it was very little, about 30 seconds after this photo was taken Conner decided to crawl towards me and jumped on Jay. That was the end of that, the hammock snapped and we all went crashing to the floor. We laughed pretty hard. Nobody got to seriously hurt. I skinned my arm and Jay says he will be feeling it tomorrow. We had a great afternoon with the Brantingham/Huff clan. We came home and Conner got to help Jay load work trailers with the forklifts. As much as I would love to post more I am dead tired! Goodnight!

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