Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Jay worked a shut down today so I had decided not to dress the boys up and take them out. But at the last minute I decided to dress Conner like Jay and we got on the Tailor Dunn and headed to the neighbors. I am glad we went because she had made special bags for Conner and Jack. Conner was pumped!
Jack had just woken up from a nap so he was a little unsure of everything going on.
Conner wanted to try every piece of candy that he got!
Jack is our "smiley" guy!
Conner in his CRF getup studying his sucker!

I found him a great hardhat a couple weeks ago and Jay personalized it for him. He stayed in this outfit for almost and hour before he decided he wanted out.

If he could go to work with Jay tomorrow he would love it. Conner is so into construction and equipment its sick! Not only does he look like his daddy, he loves all the same things his daddy does! We were sad that Jay had to work all day but Saturday we got to spend the entire day with Jay and it was wonderful. It was the first day in 10 months that he has taken and entire day off and just stayed home with us!!! It was a wonderful day even though we did nothing. Thanks for all the hard work dear, we love you lots!!! Happy Halloween!

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