Monday, November 8, 2010


Wow..the boys are getting so big so fast! Jack is sitting up all on his own and trying to crawl. He is already trying to pull himself up as well. Jack is in awe of Conner all of the time and Conner loves Jack about 90% of the time.
My goal for the upcoming year - to get both of them to smile at me at the same time!
They are both really good at the cheese ball grin!
Jack already wants to be just like Conner!
My baby is getting so big!!

We have all been fighting running noses and colds so don't mind the disarray or runny noses in photos!

We put a stool next to Jack's crib and Conner loves to go get Jack whenever he wakes up! Sometimes I don't get to Conner soon enough and he wakes Jack up early!
I am a very blessed mother. We had a rough week last weak with sicknesses, aches, and pains but this week is starting out alot better. Jay didn't work yesterday so we had a wonderful day relaxing and celebrating Uncle Mike and Grandpa's birthdays!

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