Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Growning Up so Fast

It seems so easy to get photos of the boys in the bath right now. I think its because I don't have to try to contain them. Conner is usually to involved in his trains to smile at the camera and Jack is more focused on rolling away from me!
Jack is getting quite the mouth full of teeth. He is changing so much in the past weeks. He talks/does this high pitch scream ALL the time. The scream was cute at first and now it is on the verge of irritating. But I have to say, I LOVE every minute of it.
We went to Cal and E's the other night for dinner. Needless to say, Mac and Cal didn't make it very long. Little Mac is getting so big. He had his 6 month checkup last week and is doing great. He is more of a talker than Jack. He always has a wonderful smile for us when we see him.

E tried Mac's hats on Jack. It was pretty funny. Both my boys are really good huggers. Conner tries to hug the "hebbie jebbies" out of everyone right now and Jack just grabs your hair as hard as he can.

I look at these photos and can't believe how big the boys are getting. Jay and I were looking back at photos of Conner when he was Jack's age and can't believe how old Conner is. We sorted through some clothes that Conner wore at Jack's age and we felt like we had just packaged those up not to long ago - the reality hit of how close they are in age! We are all finally back to normal and enjoy this slow week before the holiday's hit!!!

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