Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Swim Lessons

Last week Jay's mom came to swim lessons to take pictures for us. She hid in the corner with a big hat on so Conner wouldn't notice her. She did a wonderful job. Both boys are LOVING swim lessons. It is definitely the highlight of the week on Mondays and Wednesdays! Thank you Grandma for all the great pics!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

This Week

St. Patrick's day was hilarious at our house! Conner helped me decorate and deliver cookies to the office and a couple of neighbors. He was convinced he had a new friend named Patrick and we were going to celebrate his birthday that evening. You couldn't say Happy St. Patrick's day because he would correct you and say, " There is no St. its Patrick's Birthday!" That evening we picked up my aunt and uncle from the airport. Conner refers to them as "Uncle Jane and Louie". He loves them and was so upset when we dropped them off at the airport. He bawled and asked if he could go with them on the airplane. When they returned, Conner was so excited. He even pulled one of their suitcases all the way to the car.
Today I made Conner and Jack a jeep out of a big box. I am pretty proud of their little jeep. I know I have to accepted that it will be thrashed by the end of the weekend.
Jack thought it was the greatest thing.
Its quite the workout pushing the two of them around the kitchen.
Conner has rediscovered the shark boots Auntie Shaila got him. They are still three sizes to big but at least they fit enough for him to clunk around in them. He thinks they are the greatest thing and it wearing them often! The remodel is finished besides a couple of little items! I am so happy to be able to get the house back in order this weekend!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Caught Him

I was able to catch Jack in the act of pulling himself up all by himself. Since his first time last night, he has been doing it all day long!! Big Boy!

Two 1st's this Week

Conner got to move into his new room on Monday night! He was so excited! Jay and I were a little worried he might wake up and not know where he was but, to our surprise he did GREAT!!!
We are still working on moving all his stuff over and decorating. The remodel is almost done. When it finishes up this week, I hope to post before and after photos.
Jack had a 1st last night - He pulled himself up on the couch!!! YEAH JACK!!! Jay yelled at me because we were all in the living room watching TV and playing with the boys. When I looked over, sure enough he was standing right next to me and LOVING it! Our little man is growing up so fast!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jack's 1st Birthday Party

Saturday night we had Jack's 1st Birthday Party. It was wonderful and we had a FULL house. It was also the debut of our partially finished remodel. It was a very exciting night. Conner loved driving Abbey around.
Jack ate almost the whole dirt cup. He definitely liked it more than cake!

Conner like the dirt cup but was more into the gummy worms. He tried to eat all the worms out of the cups before the guest arrived.

We are still trying to get all of the "dirt" out of his nose!!!

Abby enjoyed the glass of milk rimmed with sprinkles!!! Yummy!!!

Conner's swimming buddies! (Abby, Jackie, Andrew and Brian)
Conner was so excited "All my friends are here" is what he would announce when anyone showed up. He couldn't believe they were all leaving him at the end of the night. I am not sure he knew this party was for Jack! (Cody, Lacy, and Megan)
Still digging!
The bonus to inviting alot of older kids, Jay and I didn't have to fight over who would unwrap Jack's gifts!
It got really crazy real fast!
Kylie driving the truck!
The adults enjoying the semi-quiet kitchen area!
Memay and baby Mac! Mac was a great sport even though he was so tired!!!
Doug, Uncle Cal and E!

Conner was very concerned that Jay and him build all Jack's new toys, especially the Thomas one's.
We had a wonderful night and little Jack was pooped at the end of the night. Thank you to everyone who made this night so special. We love you baby Jack!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Family Birthday

On Wednesday night, Conner, Jay, and I celebrated with Jack for his birthday. Jay and I got him his own truck (we are hoping that by having two, we will experience less fighting over who gets to drive).
Jack LOVED the horn. It is automated and sounds like a Semi.

All the Brantingham boys!!!
It was a pretty quick celebration because both the boys were very tired from swim lessons!

He loved his cake, but most of all he loved the squishing noise it made between his fingers! Happy Birthday Jack Jay!!! I can't believe you are 1!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jack's 1st Birthday

Our baby boy is 1 years old today!!! Yeah, but sad at the same time. It goes by so fast. We are having a party for him on Saturday but we are doing a small celebration just the four of us tonight.
Memay and Papa sent him balloons and a wagon. He was so excited!!!

Thank you Memay and Papa! He loves the wagon. I almost have an identical picture of Conner on his first b-day!

I decided to make a small cake for the four of this evening. I made cupcakes with the leftover batter! I wish the shop was still at our house so I could walk outside and get rid of the extra!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jack Jay!! Mommy and Daddy love you so much and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy!!!