Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Two 1st's this Week

Conner got to move into his new room on Monday night! He was so excited! Jay and I were a little worried he might wake up and not know where he was but, to our surprise he did GREAT!!!
We are still working on moving all his stuff over and decorating. The remodel is almost done. When it finishes up this week, I hope to post before and after photos.
Jack had a 1st last night - He pulled himself up on the couch!!! YEAH JACK!!! Jay yelled at me because we were all in the living room watching TV and playing with the boys. When I looked over, sure enough he was standing right next to me and LOVING it! Our little man is growing up so fast!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Conner was pretty excited ab0ut his new bedr00m at Jack's birthday, s0 cute. Yeah f0r Jack and him getting up s0 much exciting stuff happening at y0ur h0use. Have a great rest 0f the week with the tw0 cutest b0ys!