Thursday, July 28, 2011

Conner's 3rd Birthday

Conner turned 3 on Wednesday and boy was he excited to open his presents. He came into Jay and I's room at 4am and asked if he could open his presents.

He got a huge box of goodies from Auntie Shaila and loved every bit of it, can you tell?

Jack got Conner a lightning McQueen remote control car and that was a big hit!

Memay came to stay with us so Jay and I could take Conner out to dinner by himself. Its a tradition we started last year. Each of the boys will get to go out to dinner by themselves with mom and dad.

The boys always get sips of Memay's diet coke when she visits so Conner and Memay were enjoying them outside. Memay says they are "watered down", right!

Memay and Conner always do "Cheers" with whatever they are drinking.

Conner wanted a Monster truck theme this year. I made a cake for his birthday party with family on Wednesday night.

He loves blowing out candles more than eating cake. Just like Uncle Brock, Conner isn't much of a cake or cupcake fan.

Try getting a nice family picture with a 3 year old and a 17month old, nearly impossible these days!!!

Mac and Jack are always giving each other lovins!

And more presents!

Grandma was nice enough to share her cake with Jack.

And then he got ahold of the remote control car and he felt pretty special.

Auntie E helping Jack.

Thursday we had a birthday party with all Conner's friends at Eatza Pizza. He loved it and I am pretty sure everyone had a great time. Jay was even able to join us!

Grandma plays LOTS and LOTS of games with the boys!

And Mr. Mac is always fun to watch. He thought the games were great.

I am pretty sure he attempted every game in the place.

Once again, He loves blowing out the candle but I am pretty sure he only had one lick of the frosting.

Thank you to all out friends and family for making Conner's birthday a special two days!!! I can't believe my little man is 3 years old. Where does the time go!! Jay and I are so proud of the little man he is becoming!!! Thank you to Memay for all your help and for watching Jack. And thank you to Grandma for chasing the boys!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It always seems like I post alot about Conner and not much on Jack. So here it is! Jacks Post!!! Jack will be 17 months next week, running everywhere, into everything, not eating much(picky eater), talking up a storm(and wants to do it on a phone most the time), following Conner everywhere, and currently(as I am posting) he is trying to escape from the crib!!! He is growing up so fast!!! I love you little man!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Date Weekend w/Conner

Conner and I had a date weekend this past weekend in Seattle. We dropped Jack off at Memay and Papa's and Conner and I headed to Bellevue first. We did a little shopping at the Mall then we headed to Dinner with Auntie Shaila and Uncle Chris.
Our first stopped was "Build a Bear" at the mall. Conner built himself a doggie and Jack a doggie. Whenever I would say "Build a Bear" he would correct me and say "Build a Doggie"!

He named his Diesel and Jack's dog was Thomas! Imagine that!

He was determined to carry both doggies!

For lunch we stopped and Conner ate an entire piece of cheese pizza! Apparently he was hungry!

Sunday morning we got up and had breakfast at the U Village. We also did a little shopping at Barnes and Nobel, and my favorite PB Kids. Then we headed to Snoqualmie. "A Day Out with Thomas" was at the Snoqualmie Railway Museum. I bought tickets three months ago, and I am glad I did. Everyday was sold out. It was worth every penny! He had a blast as you can tell in every photo!

Waiting in line to get on the train!

Waiting for the train to start!

They had numerous train table and Mega blocks stations for kids to play at.

Thomas was a really engine that pulled the trains back to the station. Another engine pulled us up to Snoqualmie falls. It was actually a gorgeous view.

And now for the priceless pictures!!!! Oh wait, it gets better!!!

Needless to say, we had a great date weekend!!! Thank you to Memay and Papa for keeping Jack.

4th of July Weekend

The boys and I headed to Ellensburg the Friday before the 4th for a little vacation. Jay was suppose to come on Saturday night but he surprised us and showed up late Friday night. It was a much needed break for Jay and I. My mom and dad spoil Jay and I by taking care of the boys while we relax. Its better than a vacation!!! (Above) Papa and Jack are buddies. Jack definitely has a special bond with Papa.

Jack wasn't wanting to be in the pool that day(see below) until Memay decided to share her Diet Coke with him. He sat in the pool for quite some time after Memay shared.

Oh Conner, the cheezy smile stage we are in. And he always loves to be in the pool!

As I said earlier, Jack wasn't really wanting to be in the pool!

Our first Twix, mmmmmm!!! He sure loved every bit of it!!!

And then the fireworks! Conner LOVED everything except Sparklers, yes I said Sparklers! What kid is afraid of sparklers?!?!?!

We had a wonderful time at Memay and Papa's house. The boys got alot of playing in, I got alot of relaxing in, and Jay got lots of naps - he even got caught up on sleep (that rarely happens)!!! Thank you Memay and Papa for a fantastic weekend, we love you both lots!! And thank you Uncle Brock. We enjoyed spending time with you too!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Brantingham #3

Jay and I went to the Dr.'s today and got to see Baby #3. I am due February 12th. We are all very excited. Baby is healthy and growing right on track. The heart beat was 179 bpm. Very strong!!! Conner is convinced it is a sister and of course, Jack has no clue as to what is happening! Jay and I will take boy or girl, we just want a healthy baby (but yes, I am crossing my fingers for a girl!!!)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Congrats to the Tebay Family

Congratulations to Uncle Calin, Auntie E, and Mac! Baby Tebay #2 will be arriving just in time for Christmas 2011!!! We can't wait to meet the little man!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Spoiled yet again

Jay built the boys a WONDERFUL swing set. This is where we spend most of our time these days. Conner like to go "so fast". And Jack gets all serious and just swings.

Its funny, Jack doesn't hold on. He just tucks his arms inside the swing and stays that way the whole time. Thank you daddy for the wonderful swing set, its perfect!!! Once again, another talented project by Jay!