Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boat Race Weekend

This last weekend the hydro races were in the Tri-Cities. We took Conner with us and our neighbors Brooke and Cameron. Jay sister was also in town for Conner's birthday so she came along with us. Conner is very into drinking out of water bottles and trying to put the lids on and off.

He was a very happy camper on Sunday. We got to the races at 11am and left around 4:30pm. He only took a 20 minute nap and was a wonderful boy!

Conner loves going across the street to see our neighbors whenever they are outside. (Brooke is our neighbor)

Conner is fascinated with shiny cans. Either that or he like beer!

We had a wonderful day at the boat races. It was a long weekend because we were preparing for Conner's 1st Birthday on Monday.

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