Thursday, July 30, 2009

Conner's 1st Birthday!

Uncle Brock and Memay & Papa came early so Conner got to spend some quality time with them before the party began. It was great for me because I got to tie up all the lose ends.
Jay worked really hard all afternoon to prepare the shrimp & the bbq's.

By the time Conner started opening presents he was very tired so Corinne helped him. She is a great little helper.

Kylie also helped Conner. Conner and Kylie had quite the time playing together before everyone ate. We wished she lived closer!

Uncle Louie and Aunt Jane (my Aunt and Uncle) got Conner his first Jack-In-the-Box. He is quite fascinated with it.

Jay and I got Conner the sand box for his birthday. He still isn't quite sure of the sand and its been really hot here so we haven't used it much.

And then it was time for cake!

Auntie Erin fed him cake while Jessica, Brooke, Traci and I cut and served the cake.

Conner's party was fish themed so I made a three layer from scratch cake. The bottom and top layers were chocolate. And the middle was vanilla.

Conner's 1st birthday turned out wonderful. We had alot of family and friends to help us celebrate. He got spoiled in the presents department. Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us. Happy First Birthday Conner, Mommy and Daddy love you lots.
And a special thanks to my sister for the wonderful flowers to remind me of the birth of my first child!!

1 comment:

The Carlson Family said...

Happy Birthday Conner! Great looking cake Amy, i'm impressed. Hope you are feeling well. As soon as Riley gets here we will all have to get together again. Talk to you soon. -Kayla