Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Moses Lake Water Park

All this week Conner has been doing this fake laugh. It is hilarious! He is now crawling and pulling himself up all the time now. Jay and I are so excited and happy. We can't believe he will be one on the 27th.

My friend Amber and I took the kids to the Moses Lake water park last Thursday. We had an amazing time. The kids were great and Conner lasted without a nap till 3pm. Amber is an amazing friend so we always have a good time. I met Amber through Jay, her husband and Jay worked together and have been good friends for quite sometime.

He was so tired at the end of the day and his teeth were bugging him so I let him chew on licorice.

He could barely keep his eyes open to the car. All three kids were asleep in the truck before we even left Moses Lake.

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