Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Last Week

This is Conner's latest and greatest toy! He would rather stay outside and squeegee the sidewalk and driveway all day then play with his favorite toy inside! He also loves being outside with Cypress.

On Friday, Conner and I went to Yakima to have lunch with my Aunt Jane at Miner's. Aunt Jane brought a golf set for Conner to play with and he loved it. Thank you Aunt Jane, WE LOVE YOU!

Conner and Cypress fighting over the last scrap of dried fruit in the bag!

We are starting to really love our horsey instead of just chewing on his mane!

Last week I was able to make 4 apple pies, dehydrate two batches, and make all my fall and Halloween cards. Conner enjoyed getting bites of cinnamon apples and pouring glitter everywhere!

This is what happens when Conner gets impatient and doesn't wait for Mommy to get him out!! Impatience - I am sure he didn't get that from me!! Or Jay for that matter!!!

All and all we had a great week. We had no where we had to be so Conner and I got alot of time and home. On Thursday we even got to take a picnic lunch out to Jay at work. We had a wonderful time. Jay's mom and Uncle Mike came over for dinner on Friday night. It was a great week!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

May Pictures Revisited

This past May we went to the ocean with Jay's entire family to celebrate his Grandma's birthday. There was a gentleman there that took amazing photos. Pauline just brought me the disk this weekend so here are the rest of the photos!
This is Conner with Jay's Aunt Karen who lives in Brazil. We miss here dearly and hope to see her on her next visit!

Conner with Auntie Shaila at breakfast!

Jay and his Mom.

Our little mister having some peach puffs!

The Brantingham/Huff Family

The Huff/Brantingham/Kimmel Families

Jay and his Grandparents, Conner was already taking his morning nap!

Mommy and Conner hanging out before bed time!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Friday night, we went to Spokane for my friend Traci's wedding. It was a gorgeous wedding and she looked amazing!! We had a wonderful time, Conner ran around almost the entire time. He sat through the ceremony almost silent! Congrats Traci & Brad!
Our little mister is into sleepin with his butt in the air. This morning he wasn't feeling to good so about 6ish he came in and slept with me. We are still fighting the runny nose.

Conner is very into having Jay read him this "Trucks" book. It seems like every night Jay reads it to him a minimum of 6 times. Its funny because he won't usually let me read it to him more than once but when daddy reads it, he stays in tune the entire time, time and time again.

Even when we are sick, we do LOVE our baths!!! Last night we had a wonderful dinner with our friends Jeremy & Amber and then we went to the hospital to see Doug & Tami's new little girl Abagail. She was very cute! Congrats Doug & Tami.

Conner is very into talking into bottles and cans at the moment. Jay and him went back and forth for about 15 minutes Saturday night.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Past Weeks

Daddy and Conner sharing a skinny cow sandwich!!

On Sunday, Conner and I played at the park while Jay climbed Badger Mountain. It was a beautiful morning! Conner watched Jay until he couldn't see him on the mountain anymore. (Jay is the person in the pic walking away).

This was taken in the pool at Lake Chelan. Conner had a blast with Jay in the pool. I think he laughed and smiled the entire time. He was pooped by the time we got out.

This was a self portrait Jay took of all of us in Courd Alene.

Conner in his new favorite chair!

Conner figured out how to style his hair with Miracle Whip at lunch time. He is quite the hairstylist.

Our first boo-boo. Last Thursday night Conner was reaching for the coffee table and his hands didn't quite make it but the bridge of his nose did. He only cried for 3 minutes though and was back to himself.

Conner's Chair

Conner has had this chair since he was 6 months old but last week it seemed like he had seen it for the first time. Now Jay and I have to watch him like a hawk because he likes to climb on the arms and he tries to stand on the arms. He sits in it alot and "reclines" and talks, talks, and talks! Jay and I call it the "little man chair"!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ellensburg Rodeo

This weekend, We went to Ellensburg for the Ellensburg Rodeo. We took Conner on Friday night with my whole family and we had a wonderful time. Conner was a little unsure of the whistle at the end of the 8 seconds but by the end of the night it was just another noise. He ended up falling asleep during the barrel racing. Jay and I went to the bull fighting championship Saturday night with my brother, his friend Max, and my sisters husband and his friend Jason. It was quite the show but a little chilly. Sunday we came home and just relaxed. We had a wonderful weekend and a great time at Memay and Papa's house.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lake Chelan

We spent the past week in Chelan with my family. Jay met us up there on Thursday night and we came home Sunday.
On our way home from Chelan we stopped by the Ohem gardens. They were gorgeous!

We gave Conner a rib bone (clean) so that he could teeth on it. He thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread!

Daddy and Conner relaxing!

Conner was walking everywhere in the unit. He loved to open the door, go outside, then come back in, close the door, then start it all over again.

Conner got a new little rig for Chelan that had a steering wheel. It was the highlight of the nights for Conner.

Uncle Brock and Conner were hilarious this trip. Conner always went to Brock to get a drink of pop, which Uncle Brock never allowed him to have.

Mesmerized by something.

Oh how he loves to dig in Memays purse/bags!!

Conner is walking alot now and keeping me very busy! He has changed so much just in the past two weeks. Jay left Monday for a fishing trip so Conner and I have been home trying to play catch up since being on vacation. I had an ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great. The little bugger wouldn't sit still so it took almost an hour for the technician to get the right photos! The heart rate was at 158, a little lower then Conner's at that point. We find out the sex on October 26th.