Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lake Chelan

We spent the past week in Chelan with my family. Jay met us up there on Thursday night and we came home Sunday.
On our way home from Chelan we stopped by the Ohem gardens. They were gorgeous!

We gave Conner a rib bone (clean) so that he could teeth on it. He thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread!

Daddy and Conner relaxing!

Conner was walking everywhere in the unit. He loved to open the door, go outside, then come back in, close the door, then start it all over again.

Conner got a new little rig for Chelan that had a steering wheel. It was the highlight of the nights for Conner.

Uncle Brock and Conner were hilarious this trip. Conner always went to Brock to get a drink of pop, which Uncle Brock never allowed him to have.

Mesmerized by something.

Oh how he loves to dig in Memays purse/bags!!

Conner is walking alot now and keeping me very busy! He has changed so much just in the past two weeks. Jay left Monday for a fishing trip so Conner and I have been home trying to play catch up since being on vacation. I had an ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great. The little bugger wouldn't sit still so it took almost an hour for the technician to get the right photos! The heart rate was at 158, a little lower then Conner's at that point. We find out the sex on October 26th.

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